I don’t believe he would ever harm any person, let alone assault a woman.
I don’t believe he would ever harm any person, let alone assault a woman.
Sex crimes are funny like that... (A) It’s impossible for a sex crime to have occurred if the guy is nice and/or has children, and (B) it doesn’t count as a crime if it only happened once.
Truly, fuck all the women who are ready to pony out the ‘well, he didn’t do it to me, so he couldn’t have done it to her’ defense.
The fire couldn’t be burning in a nicer dumpster.
I’ll bet his Bills highlight reel is still longer than Nathan Peterman’s.
Now THIS is pod racing! +1 to you!
Next week Winston is again the starting QB after that tackle breaks Fitz’s arm.
Needless sensationalism. Zane Gonzalez also walked away from his NFL career at halftime today, but you don’t see anybody making a big deal out of it.
Oh this is so gold! The Bills are so dysfunctional players rather retire mid-game instead of at the end of the season. Also, McDermott is clearly in over his head. Remember, these are his players as he culled the bulk of Whaley’s. Now he can’t coach them up because he’s not head-coaching material.
You can’t “steal” a QBing job. You win it through hard work. It’s not like it’s a crab leg.
Nice to see a Harvard kid finally get a shot.
I could not breathe for a couple of seconds when I saw that picture of him. Fitzpatrick was already entertaining more on the field than Winston ever did, but now he is also doing stuff like this off-field?
I didn’t know Davis was Irish.
It took him that long to realize he was on the Bills?
I love that the Steelers just lost.
“Free Speech.... No! Not that speech!”
They get one tie and think they’re too good for him now.
Cool now he's gonna win a Super Bowl with New England and kill Curt Schilling.
Yeah. To me, that’s a big reason he refused to release his tax returns, and initially uttered that his family’s business would be a line that the investigation into Russian collusion could not cross. Sure, nice try, Churchill.
I’m hoping that it will eventually be proven (sooner, rather than later, please) that Trump is nowhere near as wealthy as he claims. Not only “not rich” but in hock up to his ass to Russian banks and oligarchs as well as “creative accounting”. He fears being outed as a fraud more than anything but I think that fearing…