I also wonder if the more empowered you are, the more aware you are of sexist bullshit.
I also wonder if the more empowered you are, the more aware you are of sexist bullshit.
Paul Manafold.
On Friday, Senator Chuck Grassley, the Republican who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, released a statement signed by more than five dozen women who knew Kavanaugh in high school, which states that “[t]hrough the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and…
The obvious sleazy PR stuff will always be there with this guy, but fuck it, I’m choosing to see this as further evidence that speech works. The NFL commissioner is participating in meetings about the cash bond system.
White-Collar Crime Is Apparently Not Enough To Halt An NFL Career
Also drag it out, force him to answer questions under oath about it because it seems like he is willing to commit perjury, and lay the groundwork for impeachment. This needs to be a full court press to try to take this guy down. And it appears he has a lot of shady angles to explore so something might just stick.
He’s just going to get confirmed anyway, the GOP doesn’t care, this won’t effect anything. I’ve got a 3 word response: Boo fucking hoo.
“Is water unionized?” No, it is ionized, although with a very small equilibrium constant. Sorry, I'm into chemistry jokes. :(
Who would have though that a man who failed at running every business he ran and bankrupted not just one, but two casinos, would make a poor president and pick a cabinet filled with corrupt people just like him.
Not far off. He is already claiming the death count is a Dem conspiracy
“We’ve been estranged”... that’s the most white, WASPy-est, chicken shit way of saying “My brother successfully Michael Bluthed his way outta the family after the pilot episode.”
“We’ve been estranged from my brother for years. Ever since he started spouting all this insane nonsense like ‘brown people deserve basic human rights’ and ‘the holocaust was bad, actually’ we’ve been unable to countenance his presence at family gatherings. A true shame.”
These stars, how many points do they have?
Just ask Billy Bush. Trump’s not waiting for a license to liquor.
Accurate without being mean to either party. Nice job!
James Harden has requested two shots for a moving screen violation.
So this must be the fashion version of justifying the Alex Smith contract.
This is my favorite cross over ever. All of the hate and vitriol of WYTS, with 100% more floral prints. Perfection. *insert loud, Italian, finger kisses here