
Nor do we all have the intestinal fortitude to hide behind our wives when the going gets really tough.

Mitch just doesn’t understand that not all of us can just retreat into our protective shell at the first sign of danger.

Setting aside the racism thing, does that woman look even remotely threatening? She looks like the world’s friendliest librarian.

Good for him, it’s an impressive lesson in persistence that we can all learn from -- it must have been a bitch to type all of that.

Great, thanks Lauren. You could have buried that travesty down under some pictures of exploded hands before I had to see that.

Golly, i wonder what could possibly be making people feel suicidal these days. In addition to increasing alcoholism, drug use, depression, and insomnia. It's like there's something that has happened that is causing more than half the country to feel bereft and hopeless.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,

Finally, for the first time, a white child will be able to go to college

But that’s affirmative action for white people.

Not only does he want to undo Obama’s legacy, he wants to make sure people who look like him don’t get into college.

“Those successes, at this point, I’m going to take as my own. I’m not going to attribute those to him because he obviously, he honestly did a lot more damage to my life than good.”

Can every headline just be, “Yeah he fucking sucks again”? 

When affirmative action is done away with who will white kids blame for not getting into there perfered college. 

Does that mean there’ll be HannahWatch now?

Oh my god...I just vomited in my own hands. I’m going to lay down and imagine what death feels like for the next hour.

I’m a Cavs fan, and frankly, I don’t feel as bad about Lebron leaving as I did before Boogie signed.  Apparently Lebron was talking to other players trying to see if they would come to Cleveland.  I bet he knew Boogie was going to Golden State and said fuck it, no shot of me winning again, might as well chill in LA.

Right? It’s like, you already have the White House, both houses of Congress, and a guaranteed 5-4 win in the Supreme Court. Now it’s 6-3? Come on.

I salute you, Rand Paul’s Neighbor

This is a cursed comment and I hate how right you are. 

A long time supporter of racist policies and governments in Israel, which really puts his love for bigotry and illiberalism in clear view. Dershowitz would and probably has defended the IDF shooting Palestinian children.