That’s always a good sign when a government won’t tell the public how many political prisoners they are locking up. Where are those loony Second Amendment / government tyranny folks? Anyone heard a peep from them?
That’s always a good sign when a government won’t tell the public how many political prisoners they are locking up. Where are those loony Second Amendment / government tyranny folks? Anyone heard a peep from them?
Daaaaaamn! Michelle Wolf bringin the H E A T! I was worried that after she bombed at the correspondent’s dinner that she would be blackballed by the comedy industry which is notoriously crypto right wing. Looks like those fears were misplaced.
We have a black Lab and his unofficial name is “doggie.” He’s super-friendly and loves kids, and it’s gotten so that when we’re walking and he hears “doggie!” he perks right up and wants to go on over. Once I get the all clear from the adult there is much patting. He sleeps very soundly and sometimes to wake him up in…
The Proletariat. That way she can say “I’m taking care of the proletariat right now”.
“Commonwealth,” nickname “Commie.”
She should troll Trump and name it Pocahontas.
She could name her Thoughts and Prayers. This would be the one instance that sending Thoughts and Prayers into a situation could actually make something better.
That’s an adorable pooch! That said,
Anthony Kennedy: makes a mess, leaves others to clean it up.
End of Lebron? Look, I’m not going to say LeBron’s plan is to wrest immortality from time’s cruel grasp and play basketball at peak physical conditioning for eternity, but I’m also not going to be surprised if it happens. There is no end of LeBron.
SAME. I am a candidate running for office in the midwest. I love Duckworth. But this mealy-mouthed, tepid, timid approach of other Dem candidates and of Dems in power, are driving me to DRINK. I want to go BOLD! But this free-floating fear is real and believe me when I tell you it is not limited to republican men! The…
Dear Democrats: I live in a forever red state and you need to fucking work for the rest of morons votes that live here.
Never interrupt your enemy while they are making mistakes.
Hey John,
I didn’t wear shorts for so many years because I was ridiculously self conscious and thought my legs were hideous. And I refused to wear them all while living in south Texas, where it’s hot and humid as fuck. A few years ago I said to hell with it, and started wearing shorts because I could no longer deal with the…
This is because Marco Rubio is a fuckless cunt.
God, he’s in the pocket of Big Asterisk now?
Or, these types of articles work to delegitimize trans identities and experiences among allies and potential allies, thus reducing safety for all trans people and making it easier for fascists to harm trans folks with no protection from allies.