
Idk, it’s cruel to drop off the dog that loves you (even if he’s dangerous), leave him at a shelter for lord knows how long, and turn over the responsibility for putting him down to other people who don’t know and love him. I’m sure cheddar suffered for how many days he got to stay alive in the shelter. Shelters suck

I think from the articles she does present as having a pretty classic personality disorder symptoms - all of the lying about her past, the desire to be a “victim” etc. She may or may not have mental illness, but I don’t think it’s crazy to come away from this story thinking she does.

But is it always excuses? I actually think that a lot of people, especially men, don’t really understand their own feelings well enough to realize that they just aren’t that into you. Yes, some are spineless shitheads of course, but I think sometimes it’s just emotional retardation.

Or alternatively, the things someone says to you when you break up with them. Broke up with a dude I dated for years for good but not blameable on either of us reasons (we want different things, etc) and got weeks of intense, insane phone calls telling me various versions of how I was a terrible human being who had

+10 for the comment AND for correctly spelling several very hard words.

I was in a similar situation: ex and I had a home together and I can see now that things were never really very good between us (we both loved him a lot - turns out that’s a problem after all) and so he gave me a wordy type-written letter that I don’t remember except the cliche at the end, “I love you, but I’m not in

Schadenfreude is my biggest guilty pleasure. My ex started dating a mutual friend (I think before she and her longterm, awesome boyfriend broke up) and moved in with her within a month because he was jobless. She’s....a bit much, I guess, and after a few months of them making everything awkward he broke it off with

I would guess poorly. You dated her for 18 years and didn’t get married, but are now engaged to someone you’ve been dating for 7 months. :/

UGH THOSE PEOPLE MADE ME FURIOUS. You’re so anti-government, but you’re clogging up our publicly funded transportation while acting like complete and total morons. Its like they were newborn babies. I wanted to shove them all in front of the trains.

I have to confess, I just don’t get the public proposal at all, regardless of where it is. Unless you know it’s something that your intended would like (and when I say “know”, I mean you’ve actually discussed it, rather than assuming) then that’s just a horrible thing to do to somebody. I had an overeager boyfriend in

Not much. I heavily munched around the raspberries, blueberries and strawberries with pine mulch to keep the weeds out. I use pine because they all like the acidity, and I don’t like the chemicals in colored mulch. There is the watering. In Michigan we are down 4 inches of water, so I am watering to get them well

I actually have done that. It started last year, when after years fifteen years my row of mums finally died off. I had a blackberry bush already growing there. So, I planted blueberry bushes, strawberries, raspberry and golden raspberries where the mums were. Then I planted blueberries and pink blueberries by flower

There are two kinds of people in this world: People that love Martha, and goddamn liars.

Agreed and since I haven’t heard any denunciations (perhaps I missed them), I can only conclude that there aren’t any responsible cops.

How did he film the Freddie Gray arrest yesterday if Gray was already dead?


(But seriously, the missing comma kinda threw me off there.)

So you know when you feel chilly and you say, "is it cold in here or is it just me?" and everyone's like, "Oh no I feel fine, its just you." and so you put on a sweater?

“Soup with pork neck bones”? I think you meant to write “bone broth.”

Me too, but I have a mix of blue and white sapphires. White sapphires are a great alternative for diamonds. Although, I feel a little guilty about going with a natural stone, so a man made one probably is the best alternative.

What?! I'm super single right now, so obvs not looking for wedding stuff, but I didn't know you could choose your flowers! I just assumed it was whatever was blooming at the moment or something that there always is a lot of.