
I was fortunate to see the original cast in February - just because I managed to get tickets when the show was first announced last year - I’m more a history buff than a Broadway fanatic but I loved the sound of it.

Right after I moved here I got a ticket for being in an HOV lane. Fine, except I had missed the exit and accidentally got on the HOV lane and was departing the HOV lane at the first available point. Which is where they were sitting - on the end of the offramp at the first fucking exit from the HOV lane.

He smiled more though.

HEY NOW. Grant was an excellent general. Not the best of presidents, but an amazing military commander. He basically failed at everything his life and then proved to be a great commander. Leave him alone. Jackson should get the boot.

My dog gets SO freaked out at other dogs - she’s terrified. She’s also a pit mix and that’s not a good combination. I will tell them to call their dog back.

I’m ok. I’ll never be 100% the same but all things considered I’m doing pretty well. I really didn’t mean to hijack this thread with my own woes - it just really changed my perspective on lawsuits.

Yeah. This one hits home because I’m in the middle of such a case. My medical insurance is great and covered nearly 150k in medical expenses, but that doesn’t cover the three months of sick and annual leave I burned at work (I want to have a baby - maternity leave would go a long way but right now I have to stockpile

My dog gets really excited if someone talks to her excitedly and tries REALLY hard not to jump but sometimes she can’t control herself any more. So we maintain a good distance, even when talking to people.

you might feel differently when you’re bankrupted or lose your job due to being out of work recovering from an awful accident because someone else did something really dangerous. Not everyone is trying to get rich - some are rightfully seeking compensation for what they’ve been through.

Simple answer: union.

Well actually, I think it’s kind of interesting. But the whole thing is so skeezy. Hearing his story from prison - fine. But this is a whole different kettle of fish.

Rubio is right on this one. Sean Penn buddied up to a man responsible for killing and torturing thousands of people. He doesn’t deserve the opportunity to have his story told.

yes - it’s stupid. Although some of the breast cancer events/campaigns are useful. Educational campaigns are good - as long as they’re connected to actions individuals can take (mammograms, BSEs, etc). But awareness for the sake of awareness? No point.

Why would you not scrub your social media history before you out yourself as dating someone famous?

I’m really having trouble with your poor argumentation here.

It wasn’t really a win for awareness, because she did nothing to connect people to actions. I mean, what are any of us supposed to do with the information that traditional cultures like this might be disappearing? What’s the way to stop them from disappearing? And it also ignores the fact that some of these cultures

Well, theoretically the Komen-approved pink products provide money, so it’s not an awareness campaign. And publicizing guidance and information about mammograms, BSEs, etc is useful. But basic “awareness” campaigns are pretty stupid. So people are aware. Now what?

well, obviously I *did* think about them since I listed several problems that these communities actually face,’ve lost me.

I said “Hungary” not “Hungarians.” Big difference.

Well, I don’t want to see her horrid plastic surgery face.