
yes, thank you! This is a much more article way of saying what I tried to get across above. It’s all find and good to celebrate people who keep their traditional cultures, but you know what they might like? Sanitation. Running water. A refrigerator. Education for their children. Etc, etc. I’ve been all over the world

How is this a worthy topic? Does anyone not know there are tribes in Africa, many of whom follow traditional ways? Who is her target audience and what are they going to do with their newfound “awareness?”

What exactly is “awareness” supposed to do, anyway. I mean, I WAS about to go genocidal maniac on an obscure African tribe, but after seeing this I think I’ll stay in and watch Jeopardy tonight.

I would trust Hillary to operate on my brain before I trusted Carson with any kind of policy - especially foreign policy. ((shudder))

You’re fucking Bieber?

I also think it’s selfish when their thirst for adventure puts impoverished locals at risk too - so many Sherpas, for example, have died so they can make sure their rich bosses can make the summit.

She had her gloves off and was behind a boulder - sounds like she died answering nature’s call. How awful, and what a way to go. It’s easy to lose your balance popping a squat in narrow places.

There should be firings all the way up the chain of command, up to and including an Admiral. That’s the only way to send the message that this will not be tolerated. If you don’t hold the chain of command responsible, it will continue.

The catalog wasn’t quite as awful as it’s been in past years, but the appetizers and cheese selection were AMAZING. For $300 over six months, I could go to costco and trader joes and get $50 of cheese a month. And I’d have much more cheese than whatever their pitiful offerings are.
And seriously, these appetizers?

There’s no excuse for that kind of stupidity. None. I own my own name domain just because I don’t want someone else to take it. Christ, Jeb. Use your brain!

The Republican Party’s front runner is an overt racist. In a way, it’s almost better that he’s being so overt, versus the dog whistles of everyone else in the party.

And seriously - if you market to tall, skinny women, you can expect that to not be a great marketing tactic over time, as numbers of tall, skinny women decrease.

also, who do I have to sleep with around here to get out of the damn grays?!

I got GREAT merino socks from Costco!

In my 20s, I loved J.Crew. Much of my professional work wardrobe was J.Crew and my big splurge was a cashmere sweater. I wore the hell out of some J. Crew suits.

The best thing I ever did with my mom (who has narcissistic tendencies) was to call her emotional bluffs. Like, when she would hang up on me in a huff and try to give me the silent treatment - I just let her. I didn’t try to grovel my way back to her good graces. First time it took FOUR MONTHS for her to get back in

I went through this with my mom. She drove me crazy when I left for college - and she started calling me at 8am on Sunday mornings with a super passive-aggressive “well, you’re just so BUSY I figured this is the only time I can find you.”

Thank you. Overall it’s trending better. But it’s really not a great way to start off a marriage!

This part scares me:

When I travel, I usually bring things like my nastiest old panties and worn-out shoes so I can toss them as I go. I was in western Africa last year and tossed a pair of really, really worn shoes that I’d had for ages. One of the hotel staff ran after me with them, worried I’d forgotten them, and I told her I was