
It's a name so upper class sounding it has an ethnic slur in it.

This is late but I knowwww. Actually, the first thing I would do is not paint myself with shoe polish like a dick then I would scrub my social media.

I also take issue with her comments that these cultures are on the “brink of extinction.” I mean, my anthro degree is fifteen years old and I still remember how completely academically and morally wrong it is to characterize contemporary living people as “living fossils” who belong to “exotic” (read primitive)

Yes! The ruffles. Uggh so unflattering on me. I’m short and curvy, ruffles are NOT my friend.

Not only that, but one of the parties seems distinctly evil nowadays. It would not be the word “Republican,” that scared me so much as the idea that my kid would be committing to a relationship with someone who is (or at least votes for leaders who are) racist, xenophobic, misogynist, homo and transphobic, interested

Yeah but Sandler called him 4,815,162,342 times. And the curse didn’t allow him to say no. We have to go back and do that bad movie, Hurley. WE HAVE TO GO BACK.

You have no idea. I am hired to ruin the mood at weddings and babyshowers, if you are interested.

The pioneer woman - her entire situation - creeps me out.

*waits patiently for Missouri to embarrass, as always*

Are you willing to take a liberal Southerner as a refugee if you do this?

Tell them they’re fucking racist and stupid and cut them out of your life.

I have lived in both Burundi and Beirut. I’ve been posting about both and have made panicked calls to friends several times in the last weeks. It is precicely because of ongoing violence that I have been posted to these locations - I work on conflict and peace building. These ongoing conflicts are part of the reason

I’ve conceded the Yangon point above.

Her silence on the persecution of the Rohingya Muslims is disgusting.

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for

I try to explain this at least once a week on Jezebel and I never even make a dent.

Mr. Beam’s also a troll, I’d ignore his ‘judgement’.

you’re probably right! but it’s still such a dumbshit unforced error. She knew the rules, she didn’t follow the rules. The end.

My partner and I are getting chickens and ducks and I’m ridiculously excited by it so I second your want for this to be a cultural norm.