
That's like, the exact fucking opposite of what she was saying.

I got married at 35 and knew I wanted to be married for 2 years before trying. Everyone was like but you're letting good baby making years go away. And that may be true but I've always known I wanted to get married, having babies I've been a bit here or there on. Instead I wanted to get to know what being married felt

I've heard people say that there is never a 'right' time to have kids. There will always be something there that'll make you think "Hold up a second". But if you are able to support children and really want one, you should do it! Life will always throw you curve balls, with or without kids.

The Nice Guy crap is hilarious. So I'm obligated to give you a chance because you're "nice"? That's like trying to sell me a car by telling me it has wheels. Gotta do better than that.

There is nothing as perfect as a brand new spiral notebook with a shiny cover.

Yay for you for managing to make this article about women 100% about your penis!

Jesus Christ. Stop. We all know what a swastika means in American society. Regardless of what it meant before, it has come to mean a specific thing. It wasn't meant as a Tibetan good luck symbol, and that's not the connotation it carries. I truly could not give less of a shit what it meant before — it means something

You are correct. Bonus points for presenting additional information without calling me a Zionist or Terrorist.

I agree with your future MIL. My husband and I bought his best friend from high school the most expensive thing on her registry (because we love her and were so happy for her and we could). She and her husband use it everyday, it makes them happy and that makes us happy.

I bet there's a great word in German for it.

I appreciate your advice but I do not appreciate you saying my mom is right about something!!!

Your mother is right. You don't get to crowdfund your vacation. She is wrong in getting you to register for things you don't need. Cut that shit out tout de suite. But frankly, registering for a honeymoon is also registering for things you don't need.

I believe that is called Justifiable Homicide.

Nice knives are such a great gift, it's really sucky that they are bad luck in mine.

It's bad luck in some cultures (Mexican, Italian) to give knives as a wedding gift. It will cause the friendship between the couple and guest to sever.

I take her at face value when she says this behavior (mental illness?) is about a lack of confidence from having been bullied. It'd be nice if the internet didn't feel the need to shit on her further. I get that catty is sort of Jezebel's brand, but you don't get to portray yourself as a feminist publication and then

people need to start viewing colleges as cars. I could walk into a dealership and buy a Mercedes but it would be hard to make the payments and it'd take forever. Buying a Camry (u of TX) was a better decision for me.

Also, that's not irony. That's math.

Go dangle your bait somewhere else.