
Commenting to push this further up the chain

Thank you for posting these.

I've never seen these before. I pay more attention to the news now than I did in 2012, but somehow I feel like this was probably glossed over the in mainstream media. :/

And after the Boston bombings:

Since Benghazi was the subject of the discussion, I present you with images of Libyan protestors after the attack in Benghazi.

Dana Milbank is a dude.

Oh, fuck right off with you.

Yes, let's ban cars, too. Too many drivers don't care if people get hurt.

I've seen this behavior in labs too "the friendly family dog breed." I'm a pediatrician and I stitch up kids from dog bites all the time - let me tell you, ERs aren't full of pit bull attacks - its all over the board. DOGS that aren't raised and trained and socialized properly will do this.

It's not a fact. Unless your concept of facts is "something I heard someone say one time". Some bully type dogs have been abused by evil assholes and so they have gained a reputation. I foster rescue pitbulls and every one I've had except one has been a regular, sweet dog like all others. The one exception had

It's really sort of a mirror to, say, guns.

The Iraqi government has purposefully marginalized and excluded the Sunni and Kurds from the reigns of power; buddied up with Iran; and otherwise been incompetent in all aspect of governance, including military preparedness. They don't deserve assistance.

I really think you're making something out of nothing; I'm at HLS (didn't graduate this year), and I thought the speech was hilarious. You know, we don't need to be adored all the time and despite going to Harvard, we're capable of laughing at ourselves.

Reading is fundamental. It is not the commencement speech their graduation actually happens today. It is for class day which is for seniors and guests, featuring the presentation of the Ames Awards, the Harvard and Ivy Orations, and the Class Ode, sung to the tune of "Fair Harvard.

Ooooooohhhh! Tee hee hee! I do declare!

The World Cup shouldn't have been given to Brazil anyway. The stadium builds has been insanely dangerous and many workmen have died needlessly. Some of the areas they're building in were razed so they could have the land, displacing a large amount of poor people. There are reports of a lot of bribery and

Hey..No one would allow to shoot that kind of shit on the pagoda.

Ugh. I'm Buddhist and it gets really old to see your spirituality used as a trendy background for people to project their new-agey or Eurocentric ideals onto. People seem to think that like just because our iconography often includes bright colours that it's there for decoration only. This isn't to say that people

If this isn't a "I done with this damned white folks" face....