
Holy shit, what is wrong with these people?!

Chinese cake is horrendous on a good day.

this guy? I followed his story closely because I know former students of his. I even sent it to Gawker before it broke but they never picked up the story. Too bad - it was amazing.

It’s not bad, actually. I wouldn’t order it to eat at home, but for a work event it’s pretty decent.

Eh, locals eat there plenty. You must have been in particularly touristed areas because they’re also pretty popular with locals. Sofia, Bulgaria has McDonalds in every few storefronts, and it’s mostly locals.

Eh, you know Italians eat plenty of crap food too, right?

Wow - she was the victim of a scam and got arrested for her trouble? That’s terrible. Hasn’t she been punished enough?

then it might look pro-immigration.

you SHOULD have your beliefs challenged. Constantly! that’s the point. Think critically. If you can’t defend your beliefs then maybe they’re shitty, indefensible beliefs, you dumb fucks.

It wasn’t a picnic, but it was a whole lot fucking better than being fucking SLAVES on a southern plantation. Christ on a cracker.

I know I post this way too much on wedding stories here - but I HATE destination wedding so much, and this one in Krabi makes me stabby. First off - it’s exotic but not exactly unheard-of. It’s pretty overrun with dirty hippies, actually.

But isn’t the punative part supposed to be offered by the judge or jury? You bring your actual damages - they decide what else to add on?

IANAL, but don’t you need to have damages to sue? What are they claiming possibly justifies an $11 MILLION claim?

Saddam Hussein did this. Being from Tikrit, water is for the wealthy, and most of his palaces had huge pools, man-made lakes (Camp Victory/Al Faw Palace was extraordinary for the lakes), fountains, etc. There’s a story where US forces opened up some of the palaces to locals who had never seen them, and a farmer

ahhahha is this an Irish American thing because we got a lot of waterford (and non-waterford) vases and bowls too! One is spectacular - too fancy for our pedestrian selves. Also a lot of personalized bowls and stuff. Personalizing = I’m not going to let you return this!

I posted this above but we had only one no-show and it was a good friend. She was in jail. JAIL. Public intoxication. She was mortified. I brought her a piece of wedding cake.

One of my good friends was a no-show and I was really worried about her. Turns out she was in jail. Actual jail for public intoxication. She gets a pass :)

Mine was a brunch buffet with an omelet station. It was awesome.