
Yes, THIS is what encourages racial strife. Not the race-baiting, identity politics perfected by her deranged mother and friends.

Also, this is Texas. Perhaps the biggest threat was that he was learning science on his own! Next thing you know he’ll be buying into the evolution mumbo-jumbo.

Yeah, I’ll donate to the “sue the pants off this school fund.”

But it looked like a “movie bomb.” Duh! They don’t need no stinking experts!

Ack - I was reading about this earlier today. Poor guy - he was just trying to impress his new teacher with his invention and idiot teachers and the Keystone cops thought it looked like a “movie bomb” (WTF!).

All Catholics aren’t White catholics.

Yeah - there are definitely some very conservative factions that focus WAY too much on birth control and abortion and other conservative issues. I’ve been cautiously optimistic that the Pope could bring things in a more liberal direction but he’s getting a lot of backlash from the Cardinals too.

Yeah - I like the Church the most when they’re all about feeding the poor and stuff with less emphasis on birth control and abortion. They have the potential to do a lot of good. But...yeah - it’s a complex institution and not so simple. I didn’t expect my offhand comment that Catholics =/= Republicans to garner so

You could look it up - Catholic hospitals don’t offer vasectomies. They have a pretty consistent - if reprehensible - stance on birth control.

You could look it up - Catholic hospitals don’t offer vasectomies. They have a pretty consistent - if reprehensible - stance on birth control.

Oh, I’m a former Catholic too - I can’t be on board with an institution with such a rampant history of abuse toward children, treatment of women, positions on birth control, etc. They’d rather let Africa die of AIDs than give out condoms.

I agree with all the second part of this argument - I think it’s unconscionable to deny people these services because of religious beliefs. I was only objecting to the illustration that basically made Republicans and Catholics sound one and the same.

The ARTICLE was about Catholic hospitals, not Republican ones. It was a lazy comparison.

I didn’t “try” anything. I was just pointing out that it was a stupid comparison - Catholics and Republicans are not the same. Using an illustration of one to stand in for the other is intellectually lazy.

And...that still doesn’t mean Catholics are Republicans or Republicans are close to Catholics. Catholics disagree with the GOP on a lot of issues - you’re way oversimplifying things. Also, a lot of “Christians” don’t consider Catholics proper Christian, which was a shock to me the first time a proestatant told me I

No, I wouldn’t - I also went to a Catholic college. :)

Don’t get me wrong- Catholics have PLENTY of their own issues. I’m a fallen one myself. But they’re much, MUCH more about social justice, helping the poor, etc, than Christian Conservatives. It’s just a shame about their ass-backwards views about women and birth control.

Thank you - I didn’t have a chance to look up the stats on this before I ran out to dinner.

Meaning that this article was about Catholics, not Republicans. And most Catholics aren't Republicans.

Ah that IS unfortunate. My Catholic family are the super-liberal social justice Jesuit-educated types. No premarital sex though, just lots of full-sized 7-month “premies”