
This isn’t about Republicans, this is about Catholics. There’s not actually a huge amount of overlap between those groups.

I would tangle myself in it and probably fall over, hit my head, and be eaten by my cats.

Well, yeah I probably am. Traumatic injuries can have that effect.

I broke my ankle the same way last year (well, not playing football, but similar roll to the side). Two surgeries and 10 months later and it’s still not entirely right. I screamed so hard when I saw him do it - it’s the most painful thing I’ve ever lived through and I’m guessing his injury is similar. I can’t get the

I want to stab her with a kebab stick.

I like to think I knew my husband was the one when we could fart openly in front of each other. can’t send PROPERLY MARKED classified information on unclassified networks. If you just type up an email - of course you can send it. This becomes a problem for senior officials in particular because they’re inundated with information - it’s hard to keep track of what came from what sources. They’re all

Yes and no. Senior officials are frankly pretty sloppy with this stuff on a routine basis - they just don’t often know what’s classified and what’s not because they get so much information on a daily basis it’s easy to mix up what came from what source. So it’s pretty rare that they send emails that are properly

I posted the same thing a few hours ago. Seriously, it’s like amateur hour up in here.

I’ve read this twice now and can only conclude that it’s a terribly written article in desperate need of editorial help. First, who is Parker? First reference is “On June 18, 2014, Parker (logged in as “Ranae P.” responded to this Yelp review, referencing a prior conflict, and, in the process, publicly identifying the

Meh. One of my in-law’s family friends apparently wore ivory to our wedding. I didn’t even notice until a friend pointed it out. There are enough other things to worry about that day - I was just glad to be marrying my husband :)

Fuck peppers. Fuck cilantro. Mexican food is a goddamned minefield!

my complaint is simple - they put cilantro on way too much stuff. It’s such a vile weed. Even when you request it not be there, it always finds a way in.

ahhh what’s wrong with Jimmy Johns? I love those sandwiches!

Maybe, but two days seems fast. I got them to can - bourbon peach jam. Nomm

Peaches have been such a disappointment this year. I feel like they start to rot almost as soon as I buy them. I picked two pecks on Sunday and today I had to toss 4 because they were rotting - and that’s after I picked them still pretty firm. Nectarines seem to stay better longer. I’m on Team Nectarine.

Oh man - can’t wait until they cross-check with .gov email addresses.

Christ. All of this to deliver an Elsa doll in 23 minutes? I mean, I expect this kind of tense working environment in an emergency room or news floor, but this is retail. This is getting unimportant shit to people who need it now (including me - I’m sorry to say I’ve been a Prime member for years).

Turkey’s not doing shit to stop ISIS. Most of those foreign fighters are transiting through Turkey, who are too busy bombing the PKK to do much about ISIS. Iran at least is fighting ISIS on the ground.

I am really hoping we will offer asylum to the Yazidis. They have nowhere to go - the KRG ha been wonderful to them but they need a permanent home. It’s the least we could do.