
You make a small registry for the people like me who like to give actual gifts. And then you mention it to your family and bridal party and they tell people who ask that you could really use cash.

agreed. We did most of ours on Amazon - very practical stuff. Then my MIL told we didn’t have enough high-end stuff so I did one at Williams Sonoma of ridiculously high-end cookware. I was genuinely shocked that people got much of it for us - I was just hoping to get the 10% completion discount. Some people’s

No - it shouldn’t be anywhere in the invitation. No inserts, nothing. It doesn’t go there.

I just told them. I said “look, I love you and would love you to be in my bridal party, except I’m not having one because it’s expensive for everyone and really nobody has that much time anymore. But, I’d still love you to be part of our big day - would you be willing to do a reading?” They were all so relieved :)

Gift registries are supposed to be “pull” information, not “push.” As in - it’s ok for people to ask for it, but not ok for you to push it out. So you either 1) ask the couple where they’re registered 2) check their wedding website 3) google them or 4) ask a family member or member of the bridal party.

My dad barely survived a ruptured brain aneurysm, and it definitely changed his personality. He’s still much the same, but not quite. It’s really hard.

Meh. Like I said above, my gift to my good friends was letting them off the hook for being bridesmaids. We’re in our 30s now - ain’t nobody got the time, money or patience for that. I included them in special ways - readings, etc. But they got to sit with their significant others and wear what they wanted. We only had

My gift to my close friends was not making them be my bridesmaids. I don’t really even know what bridesmaids are for, except to cause more drama and make them spend lots of money. So we just had one attendant each - my sister and his brother. My friends were still there for me throughout the whole thing but they were

I love writing thank-you notes. I do them for lots of things - like a nice party, or a random gift, etc. They’re fun and brighten people’s days.

I don’t mind registries, but if you put registry information (or “cash gifts welcome”) in your invitation, I think you’re the tackiest tacky who ever tackied.

I actually did all the thank-you notes because my husband has terrible handwriting and I LOVE writing thank-you notes (I know, I’m weird). But if you guys had an agreement that he’d do them - he should have.

I recall that there were several people who didn’t get us a gift. Some surprised me. But 9 months after the wedding, I can’t honestly remember who they were. All I remember is that it was an awesome day.

“ One, the bride feels that it is her right to confront someone about their lack of gift, which isn’t something I have ever heard of before; “

Damn right! I mean, why even have a criminal justice system at all? Everyone get a gun and take care of your own safety. Cops won’t arrest the guy breaking the law and stalking you? Fuck the cops - get a gun! Get rid of the cops altogether. Arm your children so they can deal with bullies at school. Put land mines

They can work, but only under pretty narrow circumstances. Like, a true unpaid internship should be more value to the intern than to the company, because they’re basically learning the whole time. We have interns who are paid a small amount, but even with them we don’t expect much from them. If anything they’re kind

Unpaid internships are being phased out as these kinds of claims become more common. Unpaid internships have to be very carefully defined and clearly a learning experience, versus running errands. If you’re rich/famous you need to be extra careful - the potential of a lawsuit is too high.

I’m hardly a makeup expert, but that is some TERRIBLE makeup. It looks like it was applied with the light touch of an undertaker.

“Osbourne’s comment also fortifies the stratified perception of labor prevailing in white America. “

OK, you’ve got me there :)

Ah this is true - I’ve said things that people have told me were offensive that I didn’t even realize. Like “gypped” - never knew the origins of that. Sometimes we repeat words our parents or others said without giving them much thought.