
I didn’t either as a kid. But as adults it should be pretty easy to figure out.

Middle East?! 1) They’re Armenian American. Caucasus, not Middle East. 2) 99.99999% of their shenanigans would be forbidden in much of the Middle East.

Like I said above, it’s one step below “wigger”

People still say “Jew-fro?”

Polygamy was only a matter of time after gay marriage was allowed...

How do you learn to accept and not nag? In the last month I’ve found myself getting more and more annoyed and starting to nag and bug him about stuff. I don’t want to be that wife.

Would also be very good with mint, probably (hold the cumin). Mint, lemon and peas go quite well together.

I love savory foods - I would go for broth any day over this abomination.

I did full Atkins years ago and lost a ton of weight, and even kept it off for a while. But you know what - Bread is fucking delicious. I don’t eat a ton of it, but dammit I will not live in a world where I can’t enjoy a hot buttered naan once in a while. I JUST WON’T!!!

“And he routinely only does half a chore.”

that’s some disingenuous bullshit right there

Amen! My beloved rescue pit mix has never shown any sign of human aggression, but we are well aware that if that ever became and issue and training didn’t resolve it, we would have her put to sleep in our home. It’s the best thing we can do for her and for people who might encounter her. And aggressive dogs are scared

Thank you! There’s a wonderful relationship story here. But underneath that is a story about pet ownership - and we’re allowed to question those decisions.

yep. Frankly, returning it to the shelter wasn’t the best decision either. A human-aggresive dog should be put down. Now the shelter can give this biting dog to another family? As a responsible pet owner, if your pet poses a danger to others and you can resolve the issue through training, it’s time to put the dog down.

Two months into my new marriage I was in a bad, bad accident that left me immobile and dependent on my husband for several months. It’s the hardest thing we’ve been through - it was NOT all sweet and comforting. We were angry, frustrated, exhausted, etc. But I feel like we’re better for it.

“Fully innocent people don’t need execution either?”

Maybe it’s because I haven’t been skinny since the Clinton administration, but if I was small enough to wear those clothes I definitely wouldn’t be wearing that ugly-ass romper.

This. I had all the trappings of a “proper” wedding - flowers, stationery, etc and it was 15k just outside Washington, DC.

This is deranged even by ISIL standards. The description of them as a death cult really is most accurate - they have to keep topping themselves with increasingly bloody actions like this. It’s just bizarre and awful.

It’s easy to say “someone should do something!” but really - there are very few good options. Align with Iran and prop up the Assad regime? Support the so-called “moderates” and get dragged into a protected three-sided war against the Assad regime/Iran and ISIL/Al-Nusrah Front. None of that even touches what we do on