
are you missing the fact that they are having fertility problems BECAUSE of their service to their country? It’s the least we can do. If we can’t afford to take care of our veterans, then maybe we shouldn’t send them off to a 3 trillion dollar, pointless war?

Ah, Boxwood Alley. I saw them on their ‘98 tour. Sadly, their latest album, “Herbaceous Peonies” was a real disappointment.

Having a grass lawn in southern CA makes about as much sense as me having an outdoor dehumidifier in Virginia. Wait, can we actually make that happen? Fuck the Earth, it’s fucking humid here.

“There are so many kids that need to be adopted,”

Oh, right! Why did nobody think to consult you about their reproductive choices! of course it’s that simple!

1) it sounds fun

I would think they’d be all for this. More babies born into one-man one-woman patriotic families? The voter base practically expands itself with each test tube!

Except that’s not it. It’s congress. VA is part of the executive branch - it can only execute what congress tells it to.

God I love German. I just learned the world “spragelsaison” yesterday. Asparagus season! What a great word!

That’s not how bedbugs work. They don’t hide IN the sheets - they hide around the bed - under the mattress, along the bed frame, even under and behind stuff on the floor. Then the lights go out, you fall asleep, and they come and feast on you. They’re about the size of a lentil - you’d see them if they were on your

After reading the whole article - what is Sonja’s deal? Why’s she so invested in this? She dated a moron, it wasn’t serious, he dumped her for his imaginary girlfriend, and now years later she’s still trying to track down the identity of the imaginary girlfriend? Move on, Sonja!

Oooh. The good people of Law and Order SVU are making that into an episode right now.

The ability of the human mind to believe what it wants never ceases to amaze me. I’ve made my share of bad decisions when the red flags were SO OBVIOUS in retrospect. We have such a fundamental need to be loved and acknowledged that we’ll ignore so much for it. Oh, your wife doesn’t understand me but I do? OK then!

I think you need to re-read what I actually wrote. I obvious support reproductive rights. I’m calling bullshit on anyone who pretends this is about the baybeees - they don’t give a shit about a bit the baybees. If they did, they would do more to help actual living, breathing children. So it’s clearly about controlling

I think if you get raped you might give birth to a political pawn?

I’m confused because I thought most of us lie about rapes just because we enjoy the attention and/or payback against men who spurned us. Is there no end to the wonderful things we get by lying about rape?

Agreed that it’s logically consistent.

I’m sure they provide so much assistance once the baby’s born, too. Like a nice pair of bootstraps.

I hate to be that person, but this is a terrible dangling modifier:

John Ashcroft had a statue of Lady Liberty covered up - wouldn’t want to Lady Liberty to free boob it or anything.