
It seems like she needs some kind of impartial representative to sort things out and ensure her interests are fully represented. Does she have that?

My, she certainly thinks she's deep.

Why didn't the babysitter report it to the police? Is she not a mandated reporter?

And for as much crap as the foster system gets - IT WAS WORKING in this case. The kid were thriving in their foster homes. There was NO need to upset it. So he decided to throw rank and circumvent a system that was actually working. GARGHH.

He owns a Christian bible preschool that he's been taking state money for. That's why DHS didn't like him in the first place - they were already invetsigating him for that.

The sad thing is they were actually doing really well in the foster system. They had good homes and were getting the care they needed. Then this guy decided to override the system - which was functioning - to silence everyone who objected to his planned adoption of these girls. That's corrupt as hell.

These people are monsters. Locking a 4-year old alone in a room with no toys or human contact, and subjecting her to exorcisms? That's insane and abusive.

You seem to think I'm defending it. I'm not. But it's simply wrong to say Jesuits are conservative. They're not.

Jesuits are not a conservative group.

Not sure how you got anything right wing out of that. Catholics/Jesuits aren't generally very right wing, with the exception of the abortion issue. Jesuits are very much about social justice.

WTF! Why not throw global warming or ISIS brutality in there too? They have about as much to do with what happened in Oklahoma as that little addition about the "unborn."

You know, I didn't lose a single pound in the year before I got married, and I don't regret it.

Yes! Ours was a private moment too. Because it's about us and only us and he didn't feel the need to broadcast it to the world. I love him :)

I'm struggling right now. I was in a bad car accident two weeks ago - I'm still in the hospital recovering. My husband (of 5 months) is good at doing what I specifically ask him to do but he's just a doofus figuring out that I need to hear from him, that I can't walk on my own so I need him to be the one reaching out

The most surprising part of this is that it happened in Egypt - ISIS just killed a bunch of Egyptians and the Egyptian military is bombing ISIS targets in Libya. That's so not ok. This isn't funny - these people are a very real threat to everyone in that region.

Thank you!

where did she come from all of a sudden? I need to pay more attention

How dare a woman go out with an imperfection showing!

C0ngrats!! That's impressive!

Cool story.