
I hate that commercial because she has a great butt and a nice body. Why use skinny, healthy looking people to sell a weight-loss program?

exactly. I'd gnaw off my own arm before going to a meeting or weighing in publicly, but I like the online program. It's just too damned expensive.

They changed the points system too many damned times. It had worked well for me and then it got weird with new points and free fruits and veggies - I can't have free fruits - I have hypothyroidism and a slow metabolism and every calorie counts.

And you know she'd do it again if given the opportunity.

Something similar happened to my dog a few weeks ago. She'd eaten way too much of a marrow bone, and was having trouble pooping. She kept squatting and nothing came out. I walked her a good long time - poor thing kept squatting and wiping her butt on grass, thinking something was stuck. I was getting panicky when she

New Years Day for me is a day to get my house (literally) in order - clean, tidy, organize, etc. I enjoy it. I don't enjoy being tired or hungover. But yeah I can make it to midnight, given the right SVU marathon.

A friend of mine actually met him that day on the golf course - he was incredibly gracious and warm and friendly.

The week before our wedding I made my husband promise that even if he decided he didn't want to get married, that we'd at least go through with the wedding and reception and then not file the license and/or get an anulment. I just couldn't deal with the humiliation being left at the altar if he decided at the last

Thank you. I should have scrolled further before I posted similar sentiments. Trashing the dress is just so gauche and wasteful. I'm currently looking for charities to donate mine to - I don't want it to go to waste.

I really, really hate the trash the dress photo shoots, including this. It's just so wasteful. You have a perfectly good dress - it seems to me the worst of modern American wastefulness that you would just destroy a perfectly good garment for the sake of some photos.

Ha, it really is :)

That the child will have to live with the guilt and trauma of this is heartbreaking.

Here's my advice:

Victim blaming? I'm pretty sure Mayweather isn't a victim here.

I really wanted an Indian wedding...but neither of us are Indian. Still, the clothes, the food, the entrance (a horse!!!) are way better. But being that neither of us are Indian it would have been some awkward cultural appropriation. Not to mention the pearl-clutching grandmas having to eat curry!

Oh I wasn't really responding to you, just the terribly stupid lyric :)

It's not decimating West Africa. It's affecting three, possibly four, countries. It's a horrifying disease that's getting a lot of press - which is why these celebrities are out taking advantage of it. Meanwhile, none of them (except Bono really - and he's insufferable but he has at least made an effort) has done

Now playing

Did you ever hear Sun City - the Artists United Against Apartheid video? It's SO perky and smiley - you have to think most of the performers completely forgot they were supposed to be protesting something awful.

I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro last year - there's a fuckload of snow up there. My fiance and I kept signing the "there won't be snow in Africa this year" line and laughing, to distract from the pain and lack of oxygen :)

627,000 people died of malaria in 2012. It's a highly preventable and treatable disease. But sadly it's not as headline-grabbing as ebola, which has killed less than 1% of the number of people killed by malaria.