
How about you just don’t constantly shove food into your face? Don’t eat for entertainment, eat for fuel.

Hey, I’m glad this guy has found success doing what he does. But it really is freaking stupid.

i really don’t care if it’s android based but what i’m really scared about is third party games might flood it with pay to play games. I do hope though that nintendo would continue on making their consoles unique like wii’s motion controls and wii u’s gamepad

There is something to be said about being inconspicuous...

Yeah, I really don't give a shit. No people were harmed in the making. Jerkin it to demon rape porn doesn't make anyone a rapist any more than playing Gran Tourismo makes me a racing driver.

I'm pretty confident that anyone bad mouthing CarPlay hasn't used it.

$50~, guaranteed rare. Yep. Devs have shit the bed. Fuck these games and everything they stand for.

What you're saying makes absolutely no sense. So in your mind, Amiibos are only popular because of Nintendo's lack of mastery over the concept of supply and demand as it relates to "manufactured goods"? So then how do you explain the fact that Nintendo has been in existence for over 100 years, subsisting on and

Raspberry Pi's are so great to have around! I just finished my college senior project for my major in which I built a 360 video camera (named Pi of Sauron) to shoot video for the Oculus using 6 Raspberry Pi's and camera modules.

Raspberry Pi's are so great to have around! I just finished my college senior project for my major in which I built

its actually not best buys fault at all. It's Nintendo. I work in a game store and Nintendo is by far the most aggravating and annoying company to deal with.

Good for this fellow for setting this off. He seems very happy, which is nice. Having said that, who cares? I can't understand why anyone would even take the time to figure something like this out let alone attempt it 185 times or whatever the number was. People spend more time not actually playing games than they do

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This just seems insane to me. I'm not really saying its a waste of time as everyone is more than entitled to enjoy whatever hobbies they care to pursue. This just seems like it would take a crazy amount of time. Again how do you figure out that you need to put something

How the fuck does one even discover something like this? Only thought that comes to mind is that maybe someone has waaaaaaay too much time on their hands.

And the death of your controllers battery 10 minutes later.

I hope they make this option available to all versions.

Maybe take a break and go outside for a bit.

Have no idea why anyone would dismiss SMB2 as "not a Mario game." I played it back in 1990 and I wasn't thinking it was some "radical" departure from a "regular Mario game".

Today we are announcing that Battlefield Hardline will launch in early 2015. Obviously, this is big news, so I'd like to address why we're making this change.