Why does someone’s creative project have to be something someone “asked for”?
Why does someone’s creative project have to be something someone “asked for”?
Absolutely loving the game, as is my wife, who doesn’t game. We paid $30 for an xbox copy and I would have gladly paid far for the blast of a time we had playing together.
More netflix garbage gets undeserved hype and press. Throw it on the pile.
Admittedly, I grew up with a Texas Instruments home PC that took cartridge’s. My sister and I would load up the BASIC cart and then spend hours typing in code from a booklet to get a simple game running. After playing we would turn off the monitor and then put up a sign “do not turn off” because it had no disk to save…
Everyone wants free speech, as long it’s the free speech they agree with.
It’s amazing how much of this website is just content recapped from youtube creators what do all the journalism.
The zipper merge is an ideal solution that only works when everyone is ideal. We are more aware now than ever that people are selfish jerks and not ideal. Nor will they ever be. And thus the zipper merge is a fuckign pipe dream. The correct answer is: merge when safe. Those in the target lane need to yield always or…
could be the years of unanticipated low demand that followed dieselgate. Most consumers heard of dieselgate and weren’t really following the specifics of what years/models- just knowing that VW was not to be trusted and avoided buying their cars from the 2015 announcement onward.
I wouldn’t say 28% of households going into 2021 is “niche”
Because i don’t have a high end graphics card in my pc. Nor do i want one.
A shame. he seemed like a good pop.
a lot of wind noise is vibration on your ear or headset, which simply won’t be blocked by noise cancellation.
a lot of wind noise is vibration on your ear or headset, which simply won’t be blocked by noise cancellation.
And in 1 minute scalpers just black out the identifiers on the receipt and this plan fails hard.
Cable TV died because of price. You can see keyword trends in search terms and “cost” is almost 1:1 with “cutting the cord” while “ads” or “advertisements” happens around 0.20 to every one mention of “cutting the cord”
They can always switch to a subscription model where everyone pays.
All that bandwidth doesn’t come free. Who am I kidding, no one wants to pay for shit. No one wants to watch ads. No one wants to share their data.
But everyone wants multi-million dollar infrastructure at their command for free.
I think they left long before that, which is why Nintendo sort of let them go. Many tales of it being a toxic workplace.
or you know... pretend like not having something at launch is the end of the world?
You come here and get endless content for free. Sorry you have to dismiss a message once and a while.Your life must be in shambles because of that one extra click a day.
Because China! China is bad.. look their government is so corrupt and spy and have secret police and have a leader that thinks he’s the supreme leader, and they treat minorities and any form of dissent with military actio---wait a minute!
Onward for Quest.
It’s good but definitely a low fi experience.
Played about 2 hours of it, or as long as the Quest’s battery lasted (after a year the batter barely lasts 2 hours) and my forehead starts to pulsate. Still wanted the adrenaline, so booted up Battlefield 1 for the rest of the night.
BF1 community still…