
In my experience most Japanese can’t hold a basic conversation in English, and even the ones who can will often avoid doing so because they fear misunderstandings or embarrassment. This is obviously less true of younger people, but for the most part it still applies.

I mean not to mention attempted murder for trying to fatally poison employees. Oh to be a shitty white man in this country.

That’s always been my opinion. I really don’t think these ‘crosshair cheats’ should be considered unfair, regardless of whether they’re built into the monitor, a piece of clear tape with a sharpie dot, or other method created to make a click-bait video.

Yeah, I hate it when Kotaku or any site really gives puff pieces to assholes like this. It really feels like the article just takes her side that it was meant to be a “joke” and just never comes back to that. Because “ironic” bigotry eventually results in actual bigotry.

Now playing

Amourath is a racist piece of garbage. She rightfully got kicked out of a gym for streaming in front of the mirror, violating everyone else’s privacy, then repeatedly claims “it’s cause I’m white” and that she’d be treated better if she were a “wealthy Saudi prince”.

This is all fine theoretically but cars in both lanes are usually much closer than that and many will not let you in especially at the merge point. Call me an asshole all you want but if I see a wide enough opening in traffic anywhere before the merge point, I’m going for it. I’m not going to rush in like a maniac.

Doesn’t XCloud give a big asterisk to this though? Like you can play all these games on an Xbox One via that if not via a native release.

Really just thought it was “So long-y, Bowser!”

A “misconfigured Elasticsearch cluster” sounds like a narrative contrivance that might prevent Doc Brown from sending the DeLorean back to 1985.

The thing is, we know all of this already. People who knew Trump long before his TV show warned us. People who knew him while the show was on warned us. People warned us when he started the birther bullshit. People warned us when he started running. While the tea is lovely, this is yet one more person telling us what

Even if you hated the game, you can say, “I hated the game because...” without threatening the creators, voice actresses, and other people involved in the creation of the game.

I believe I’ve posted this a couple weeks ago but one of the major reddit groups for this game is a fucking dumpster fire with people who just hate the game for no logical reason. I just finished my 2nd play through this past weekend so I really liked the game obviously and it’s just so mind boggling the shit people

“its noted that the US has the same protections as other countries where possible - except for the bumpers”

Women exist.

I’m sorry, but it’s time for all of us around the globe to stand up and take out our corrupt governments and fucking replace them.

It looks fine, I guess, but I really wish they’d offset their thumb sticks like everyone else.

Thank you. There is a difference between blaming and calling out China and blaming Chinese people. 

In politics what you do or have done means a lot less than what you say.

It’s quite simple: NASCAR fans are dolts.