
Assuming, of course, eating rotting fish is right in the first place.

Battlefield 4

I bought Mission Impossible 64 after the Goldeneye craze thinking it would be similar. Nope. Poor controls, boring missions and lousy shooting made this game an unrewarding slog with downright bad graphics.

Paid £7 (about $12?) for a brand new collector's edition steelbook and I was severely ripped off. This was 2 or 3 years after it had come out and I hadn't heard great things but I saw it online for that price and honestly just thought "how bad could it be?". Turns out the answer to that is "the worst".

Bikini wearing oversexualized girls destroying zombies with a sword and martial arts (judo I think) How can it possibly go wrong? The way Onechanbara did: with terrible control, terrible camera, terrible gameplay, terrible voices, terrible graphics... terrible game. The story didnt mattered at all when the player

Having played the same game back to back on the two systems, I can say that, at least in the case of Senran Kagura, that the vibrance difference is almost imperceptible. It's worth the upgrade for the newer system.

I grabbed a Japanese import in white when the prices were still reasonable. Traded in my old OLED Vita and couldn't be happier. Your average Joe probably won't even notice the difference in screens. You'll also benefit from a much lighter/thinner design which makes a big difference and then there's the standardized

Maybe, but I don't really care too much about all that inter-connectivity. The Smart TV thing looks neat, but I don't need my game console to be the brains of my entire entertainment center. I just want to play games, that's it. It very well could be that after using all the extra features, I'd enjoy them. But right

or Apples and mushrooms, just sayin

Infinity Blade 3 will run on all models down to the iPhone 4.

I understand that this is a car blog and that you cover all aspects of car culture, but I kinda think that this is one of the few things that is better left unpublicized. Internet fame is all these jackasses are after, and any mention of them (even when followed by stern warnings that what they did is stupid and no

"There is a kid-friendly recreation area where adults can drop off their young ones while they go look at giant dicks."

The rate of success here shouldn't be compared to 100% (which is the implied comparison when it isn't compared to anything), it should be compared to whatever the rate of success for non-government-backed automotive startups is.

Government investment shouldn't be hard to justify. All Americans benefit when there are

Except that isn't as respectable as David. At all. Really.

I think mining them without your users being aware of it is essentially stealing. You're basically operating a botnet for mining bitcoins, especially if they keep the bitcoins since they are worth so much. Mining bitcoins is also extremely expensive because it runs your hardware at 100% load which uses a lot of