
I work for state government, therefore my sick time and general leave time are worked into my compensation package. Until recently, I had a bureau director who acted like taking time off was akin to heresy. I took a sick day off one time when my direct supervisor was scheduled off, because I legit thought I was having

I knew a lawyer who would brag about how he sent a clerk to pick up his wife from the hospital when they had their third kid because he was too busy. He told me, when I was pregnant, that I shouldn’t be a lawyer, I should “go be a teacher or something, it’s a better job for a mother.” Asshole.

One of the things that made me decide, once and for all, to leave my old firm was when a senior partner encouraged me to take a week off after my first child was born and then work from home the following week. He then proceeded to give me grief - in front of other people - for taking two weeks “off” (though one was

You win today’s Deadspin. Well done.

Please stop posting old articles as new stories just for additional clicks.

I wholeheartedly agree. I mean, we usually always plan our mornings in advance, but having to basically go through the whole day by a schedule is terrible. Indeed, we went to Tokyo Disney Resort last year and it just reminded me how much I miss the old fastpass system.

I very much like the ability to see real-time WDW park information and plan ahead. I went to WDW last month with my family. My wife has a disability that severely limits her walking stamina and how long she can stand; even with a scooter there is considerable walking in WDW that is tiring for her.

Tomorrow, I’m praying at least one newspaper’s front page is a big picture of Trump with the headline: “LOSER.” He’ll love it.


As a Wizards fan this is at least fifteenth most depressingly hilarious thing I have seen during a basketball game

The best part of capitalism is when shitheads accidentally waste their money in the funniest of ways.

How much better would it be if the Heat were “El Calor” for a night?

this is not even top 5 bulls embarrassing moments this year.

Lopez obviously threw first ON VIDEO, and then claimed to the ref “He threw first. Fuck that guy.”

Also, Lopez’s punch was weak as fuck while Ibaka’s had some fucking HEAT.

It’s weird because you virtually never see a team keep the exact same core for basically 6 straight years (and counting!) without being able to at least say that they were the best team in the conference at some point.

Does wearing a mouth guard in a rec league get the “look at this guy” treatment sorta like wearing eye black at a company softball day?

I’m hoping Russ turns into Dark Phoenix and torches `em all so bad that they have to make his ring out of adamantium.

>didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

Good review. A lot of folks complain that it slows down the game, but you gotta take the time and make the right call.