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    I happened to watch Arrival for the first time on the plane... I cried like a fucking baby. (SPOILERS AHEAD) When Abbott sacrifices himself and saves Louise and Ian, I just lost it. Then Costello’s frank explanation of, “Abbott is death process” later, a statement devoid of time, made me lose it all over again.

    I understand some people do not regret their actions, but it’s especially odd that she’s claiming she “would never do something,” and “that wasn’t her.” It’s not that she’s proud of what she did, or even defending it in the slightest, but she’s simply... Denying she did that. Very odd.

    Not quite the same setting but my hillbilly aunt from a small mountain town in California dated a hillbilly car mechanic from said town for many years. The mechanic would race cars at a speedway somewhere in the Inland Empire and my mom and her big family of 8 siblings and tons of cousins would go to support him. In

    I'm watching at work with no sound on my phone. Three times and I still can't properly see what causes him to fracture his hand... Someone help me out?

    There’s more to your post than just this but I truly have tears in my eyes over “Porkchops Bazingas”.

    I know it doesn’t knock Virginia out permanently or anything but, damn, that’s irritatingly obvious. The ball doesn’t seem to leave his fingers before his foot hits the ground, either.

    You beat me to it. I was scrolling through the comments, (perhaps erroneously?) surprised that no one was saying anything.

    I believe strongpoint is getting at the fact that “hella” is heavily, if not entirely, associated with the Bay Area.