
Not as embarrassing as Draymond losing a 3 point contest to Kevin Hart last year.

Ummm, bronze isn’t an element. It is made up of copper, tin and other trace elements. So you’re still at 14. Keep googling buddy!

I bet most people (including maybe me?) couldn’t name 15 elements. They know the earth is a three-dimensional spherical object tho.

Well there’s oxygen, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, neon, carbon, hydrogen, sodium, chlorine, iodine, mercury, platinum, gold, silver, and bronze. Bitch.

How is flat eartherism, of all things, having a moment? Is it maybe related to the fact that the same “I just feel like I know best” people all voted for a tv star to be president on the basis of “this should work.”

I want one of them to explain how GPS and satellite television work with a flat Earth.

He does make a good point: it sure is awfully convenient that it takes 24 hours for the Earth to rotate, and a year to orbit the Sun.

yeah, because they don’t cover “the earth is round” until your 4th year at Duke.

Maybe NBA dudes should have to graduate from college

That gives me an excuse to post this pic. First time I saw it I really did cry, lol.

im rthe rat from the video

“Reince Priebus”

Jesus dude, why are you grumpy about some trash being talked if you beat them by 25 every time? Ya’ll have a fucking All-Star team, be happy!

Would it be funnier if they blew a 3-1 series lead?

But Westbrook is being funnier about it so...he wins!

Reporter: “Russ, what’s fashion week been like?”

if only they had an 18 ppg scorer and one of the best two-way guards in the league they could plug in when he comes back from injury. oh wait they do! come back Avery Bradley!

A cab driver almost hit me on my bike two years ago when I had to swerve to avoid a pedestrian who stepped into the bike lane on Bleecker. He also honked his horn. The press never reported anything about it.

ESPN basketball commentators were wondering why Melissa Mcarthy was on the court in a Kings uniform. She did put up 25-10-5 but it was against the Knicks so that was less surprising.

“Look at Larry Nance” has been the safety word for dozens of Cleveland husbands for a quarter-century.