Jonathan Hickman left the X line after Inferno released in 2022. It was only supposed to be a three year story line, but Marvel added on two other story lines to make it five. The overall story since Hickman’s departure has been lacking.
Jonathan Hickman left the X line after Inferno released in 2022. It was only supposed to be a three year story line, but Marvel added on two other story lines to make it five. The overall story since Hickman’s departure has been lacking.
Yeah, not a fan of this. Trans woman here, for reference. Removing the only trans woman in the game and replacing her with a “haha, nutjob conspiracy theorist” isn’t the answer to a transphobic scene.
Everyone knows the airplane and Amelia are in the Delta Quadrant.
Am I the only one who wants a full Detective Peach game? I could totally see her investigating various crimes around the Mushroom Kingdom. Could even do a crossover with True Detective. Call it True Detective: Kingdom.
Thank you, your comment just convinced me to buy the game. People are too sensitive. Some gamers overreacted to a ragebait headline, but his full comments provided some thoughtful and reasonable context.
I hear ya. I’ve had several aging, out-of-shape friends over the years suddenly decide to skydive (out of a perfectly good airplane), do the polar bear challenge (but not great swimmers), and/or enter a warrior dash (though they never slogged through mud nor crawled under barbed wire before). They’re looking for a…
Because the game at one point was very fun.
“Temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
To be fair to DuckTales, Scrooge learns to value money less and his family and adventures more. Trump was a pile of shit from Day 1, and Lifestyles was the harbinger of reality tv that idolized the idle rich like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” and “Real Housewives of [x]”
Nah not enough controversy for Kotaku, they cant write a decent article anymore
Says all you need to know right there.
The price of tickets to just about any live event imaginable are going through the roof thanks to the rise of ‘dynamic pricing’. Basically, to prevent scalpers and bots from buying up all the tickets and re-selling them on the secondary market, companies like Ticketmaster just added an algorithm that... raises the…
“Sure our biggest and arguably only major in house franchise is Star Trek, and yes we have a very popular kids show that is doing great work creating a whole new generation of fans we can hook for life but, and hear me out here, what if we not only destroy the already renewed show, refuse to show the second season,…
I think one of the things that this company and even Amazon are missing with LOTR and it’s various spin-offs are that it’s a lightning in a bottle kind of thing. Tolkien’s original books are beloved for a reason. But adaptations like the late 20th century animated version (hahaha!) are fairly solid evidence that…
I really don’t think Lord of the Rings is suited to games in general. Every adaptation has had to stray fairly significantly from the source to fit the game.
Calling the bloated Hobbit movies “middling” is incredibly charitable.
>The Hobbit movies were middling
Well, as a guy who put hundreds of hours into SF4 and was completely let down by SF5 to the point that I only played it for a couple hours, I’m back. I love SF6! It reminds me of all the things I liked most about 4, but with some new complications to spruce up the battles.
Agreed. X and X-2 were probably the last mainline FF’s that I truly loved. Sure, there were aspects of XII that are beloved, such as Fran and Balthier, but I also was ??? when it came to all things FFXIII. In retrospect, the XIII trilogy was better than I remember it initially, but somewhere after X, I believe the…