
I’m with you, but some materials; like dragon scales, claws, and star fragments required for gear upgrades; are just too rare, and armor is just stupid expensive.

I am tempted to do it on stuff that is more busywork than anything. Rupees (since great fairies ask for a lot of cash now to upgrade gear) and batteries in particular, so diamonds and big zonaite come to mind. Neither of these are particularly fun to grind.

Plus, I am already milking my amiibo for all they are worth,

So far I’ve used it to get diamonds for rupees, and then also enough items to upgrade the defense of one of the amiibo sets to max. I’m sure we will see a sad post from Nintendo at some point about ruining the spirit of the game, but getting hit for 4-5+ hearts is not enjoyable to me, sorry!

The game is very tedious already.  I’m all for this stuff.

Rupees are not easy to get in this game, and everything uses a lot of them. Armor you can buy is quite expensive. upgrading armor gets expensive quickly too (10/50/200/500 a piece). Also, some of the mats to upgrade or use for fuse are a massive grind/time sink as well. i.e: To get all the mats from a dragon takes a

I did it. Got myself a good 20 diamonds. Honestly, rupees are just WAY too scarce, and yeah... I'd rather focus on exploring than rupee grinding.

Brighton is my hometown. It’s small-ish, but we also have a Meijer, Best Buy, Target, and are not far from other stores. There are plenty of retail stores you can buy from other than GameStop.

Push really is the worst mode. I really wish there was a way to filter out the game mode when playing. 

> there was a way to repair or increase durability

You make a valid point, but I like to do my experimentation on the junk weapons and materials. Does fusing a bow to a melee weapon do anything wild? Let’s try it on a stick and this weak wooden bow. Oh, it just increases the attack. No loss.

Same.  Did this yesterday despite having zero creativity or engineering skills and could only get it to go straight.  

My tips:
If you can, throw shit, don’t attach it to arrows. Arrows are super useful, too useful even, so running out of them when you do need to hit something from afar sucks a lot. Since everything is done with normal arrows now (through fusing shenanigans), fire/ice/bomb arrows now use normal arrows as a base. In

I really wish I had read that before getting one shotted by a very luck Lizalfo. This game has some legit jump scares and challenges right off the hop. Gotta wrap work, hit the shop, make dinner and then I can play again. See you all in the skies my Legendary friends.

You were correct. Unlocked shortly after 11pm central.

Unironically believe Rift Apart is one of the best video games of all time.

I think “enough” power is relevant to what Nintendo does. They’ve never made specs the focus of their new console generations before, so the goal is probably less to compete with Sony/MS and more about showing how they can take their core franchises and leverage updated hardware to make them better.

What Mr. beast does isn’t as simple as you make it sound. I’ll grant you that it’s good for people to receive necessary medical care.

He did say he deserves to be president because he’s really good at making money and he has a lot of followers.

The lack of sex scene is going to make this even more hilarious when the stiff, dead-eyed doll of a character is there in bed going

The problem with the Wii U was they tried to give it the Wii name to draw the same audience who made the Wii a money printer, but delivered an experience entirely different from what the Wii was.