
It’s also just a weird thing to interject randomly in an article.

Seaman did it back in 1999.

I think it’s more of a description for porn stars than sex workers, unless the terminology is viewed differently in the UK where she’s from.

How’s the secondary market for that stuff? I gave all of my stuff to my friend years ago because I just didn’t have the space for it.

Same sex romance has been a thing, if not the standard, in video games for years.

I wanted to see his healing numbers buffed, but such is life. I wouldn’t mind at least a slight automatic heal on a successful Life Grip, but then again I haven’t considered all the scenarios or how that would impact everything.

I played it in 2012 as a gay man and thought it was funny. Not a stoner or particularly dialed in to stoner culture either.

You think only professional fighting gamers play Street Fighter? Interesting take.

I don’t think the last releases for either Rock Band or Guitar Hero did particularly well. That also led at least in part to the demise of Mad Catz because they bet so hard on it. I can’t see anyone wanting to jump out on that limb again for a while, but you can never say never in video gaming.

I’m with you on it. I think for me it just feels like you’ve got one chance to hit a tiny canister on the robot’s stomach and then it’s up your ass in seconds. That was more a complaint in the first one though because the close combat options sucked unless you planned beforehand with traps and who the hell wants to do

I just mean from an optics standpoint. Obviously it can work like that for people and no reason not to go with it in a story, but it would look like they were walking it back somewhat due to whatever backlash they’re sure to get from this.

Curious what your gameplay reasons are, because I have them as well.

The average sentence for Kyle Rittenhouse was 0 months. That’s the best deal going.

I haven’t seen it, but I think the best take I’ve heard on it is that it should’ve been something more like Shrek. Kids are obviously going to love it, but you can make it so it’s great for adults too. I guess Puss in Boots is a recent example, but I haven’t seen that either.

All this trouble for one of the absolute worst Pokemon designs ever.

It wasn’t exactly the highlight either.

To be fair, 13 and 15 disappointed so many people that it’s not hard to understand why people would want a turn-based FF again. To them (and me, sorta) it’s the last time the series really shined.

A few things as someone who’s been playing Lifeweaver almost exclusively the past few days:

1.) I probably would not have pulled you in the Brig scenario because you had other people around you. However, it’s not possible for me to see how close the other people are to death so the Lifeweaver player made a quick

I know it’s already a lot for $21, but I wish Galactic Battlegrounds and its expansion were in here. Empire at War really fumbled the ground battles as I recall, at least from a balance perspective.

I’ll make sure to check those two out specifically. Might do them out of order just in case the others are kinda meh for me.