
You might be right. I just checked a wiki and it mentions both. I just don’t know the sequence. I actually haven’t read the Ahsoka novel.

I don’t know if they ever explained it in the EU stuff, but this came from a post-Disney Marvel-published Darth Vader comic where they’re showing him in his earliest days as Vader. Palps has him kill this Jedi warrior dude who’s on sabbatical or whatever and corrupts his Kyber crystal kind of as part of his

I loved the ronin one and enjoyed the one with the rock band, but I was stopped dead in my tracks with that twins one. It reminded me of why I don’t generally like anime — there was that interminable, ridiculously overindulgent fight scene between the two of them and I was just bored out of my mind. I didn’t finish

I’m not the author, but if I had to explain it for him I’d probably say that Legend of Zelda is pretty revolutionary for its time despite how antiquated it is now. It also paved the way for everything that came after it.

I feel like this game is in a constant cycle of enraging most of its fanbase every couple months for one reason or another but still finding a way to exist and (presumably) make tons of money while doing it.

They’re using Luke sparingly, so we’ll see if they go deeper with it at some point. I feel like maybe they’re aware of how limited the technology still is and don’t want to overdo it. It’s also possible that they just want to make sure that when they do things with Luke that they do them right especially after the TLJ

I wish there were more Star Wars fans like you. It’s a bummer when something you want to love isn’t to your liking, but the answer isn’t to go nuclear on everything like so many of these nutty fans do.

It’s unfortunate to see the storytelling they’re doing now with Ahsoka and Grogu and everything else kind of hovering around that and know that the sequel trilogy is kind of standing there in the way. It answers the question of what happened with Luke (unsatisfyingly IMO) when there are now so many more options for

...the sequel did away with the original game’s two-point capture maps like Horizon Lunar Colony as part of the game’s usual quickplay and competitive rotation.

I was excited about it when the PS5 launched touting the expansion of the feature, but most of the time now I find myself barely noticing it. I think the only things I play where it’s used are shooters where they vary the pressure sensitivity of the triggers, but I don’t know that it’s ever made me feel more immersed.

Several years ago we went looking for Super Soakers for a pool party and I was surprised and extremely disappointed to find that they didn’t operate with triggers anymore. So basically they kinda sucked but they did the trick for the most part.

I’d heard it suggested that you consent to the pull by pressing R3 or something, but I think it would mess up the flow of the game if you had to consent to it all the time. It would be like a QTE mini-game built into every match Lifeweaver is in. Not sure how they would do it otherwise.

Didn’t know that until literally just now, so my mistake.

Had no idea. I stand corrected.

I’m going to try it out. My friend has been selling stuff on there for about a year now, just old stuff that he’d collected in the past and didn’t really want anymore. I’ve bought things from eBay since that bad experience so it’s not like I haven’t used it, it’s just that it’s always been in the back of my mind. I

The justification would be that it runs PS5 games and the Steam Deck doesn’t. If you’re not entrenched in the PC/Steam ecosystem and are more of a dedicated console gamer, the Steam Deck might not be for you.

You’re right, but it happened before that. I’ve always tracked it back to Clinton’s win in 1992. The Republicans were so incensed that Reagan’s anointed successor lost to a hick from Arkansas with a mouthy wife that they completely lost it. Fox News came out of this. Rush Limbaugh came out of this. The political

I work in finance mostly with startups and am consistently amazed at the ideas that get funding.

OK, but have they changed things to the point where the stuff he’s doing in the embedded video in the article can’t be done? Because that’s straight up troll shit. I think people are less worried about canceling ults with the platform (although that is annoying) than just being straight up launched off the map at will.

Couldn’t they just put some logic in there that doesn’t allow you to pull a character if it will result in death? Obviously hard to do in a case where a random Junkrat bomb just happens to hit you as you’re released from the pull, but I would think it would be easy enough to check if an environmental kill will result