I didn’t mean to imply that, so sorry if it came off that way.
I didn’t mean to imply that, so sorry if it came off that way.
I appreciate you explaining all of that and I will check into it. I knew that they had expanded a lot of their protections since I got screwed over that time, but I hadn’t done my research on it. I will now.
Thing is, we live in some really weird times. Kids are being shot at school. People are walking into stores and stealing shit and walking out. People are brazenly burglarizing houses, on camera, without any real concern. It’s understandable that people are on edge and checking over their shoulder. If you go out in…
This is exciting news, I am so down to add Bap to my list of husbandos.
I once heard someone jokingly say that the only straight characters in the game are the dwarf and the robot (Bastion), so you might just be on to something.
It’s historical bias I guess. Years and years ago I bought a GBA from a seller with great feedback. Apparently they decided to go out in a blaze of glory, because they took my money and never sent me anything. Based on the negative feedback in the aftermath I wasn’t the only one. I was able to recover some of the…
That’s a good idea. I’ll try that. I live in L.A. so I think it’s dense enough that the listings might get some traction.
For the number of pieces I have, I wouldn’t mind doing in-person. It’s preferable in fact because shipping sounds like a pain in the ass and honestly I always worry about people saying they never received it or it wasn’t in the condition described, etc, etc. I understand both eBay and Amazon are very buyer-centric in…
There should absolutely be a pre-match interaction between Ana and Jack that mentions Vincent. Hopefully with a positive “it’s never too late” vibe or something like that. I had forgotten he was canonically gay until it was mentioned here recently.
That was about the only thing I liked about Jurassic World: Dominion. They added some feathered ones but still gave us the classic look too.
Out of curiosity, if you were to sell online how would you do it? I have some collectible stuff I’d love to unload but eBay gives me the heebie jeebies and I’d rather not pay their ridiculous fees anyway. I’m just not sure if there are any alternatives. I don’t have anything ridiculously valuable, just some shit I’d…
Definitely not surprising. I think I heard once that he referred to people from Greece as “Grecians” so it tracks. I mean, I guess it’s an honest enough mistake if some regular Joe thinks that (not the president), but if you’ve ever heard the word “Pakistani” you should know instinctively that that’s the correct…
The look or the abilities? I think he looks cool as fuck.
I feel like there has to be more to it because the devs have got to know the griefing potential of an ability like this.
I don’t think so. I’ve got to say, that beard is really doing it for me.
If you really think about it, what would the gameplay be like if a lightsaber was “true to life” and shredded everything in one swipe? It’s really no different than bullet sponging in other games.
I’m American and the only time I’ve ever heard it used was in Bend It Like Beckham.
To each his or her own I suppose. I guess a lot of it hinges on which version of the character you like best, the street level or the Avengers level. I like both, but I didn’t want to see another reboot of the street level just with an MCU backdrop.
Fennekin is one of my favorite starter designs, personally. I also think Froakie is too low. But part of my bias is that I absolutely love both of their final forms. Delphox is a perennial favorite for me and I love his/her cry as well.
I’ve been a huge MCU fan since Iron Man and I’m pretty much in agreement with you. My interest has waned quite a bit, especially since most of the movies have been mediocre. I was shocked at how safe they played it with Quantumania. To try and build up your next big villain by putting him into a very by-the-numbers…