
I don’t know how friendly he’s gonna be after losing absolutely everyone he cares about and having no one remember him.

I don’t know, I thought it was very interesting personally. Both from the perspective of the actual exploration and what you found when you got there. I remember finding the massive walled maze on the map. The little island out in the center of the ocean. The colossal mountain you had to climb. The fact that you can

Putting Mario Maker on this list at all, much less at the positions they occupy, tells me how much of it I need to read.

The fear is that we’re going to get a very incremental follow-up to one of the best games of all time.

I’m sure DeSantis will get them back in there at some point.

Maybe I was just a dumb kid, but I don’t remember thinking for even half a second about where the Splash Mountain theming came from or having any context to understand why it was problematic. I vaguely remember either having books with Brer Rabbit or seeing cartoons or something, but I didn’t understand any of the

It needs to be made available at regular retailers yesterday. There’s absolutely no reason for it to only be available directly through Sony, especially now.

I was just at Wondercon this weekend and I remember remarking to my friend how out of control the variant covers are. I haven’t read comics religiously in several years, but I remember it used to be done here and there. Now it seems like every Marvel book has 4 different variant covers.

Counterpoint: you’re missing out on some stuff you might like by taking a Kotaku top 11 list and assuming games suck because they’re on it.

I didn’t hate it the first time around, but I did in my second playthrough. Try laboring through a bokoblin camp wasting arrows and weapons only to open that chest and get the same piece of shit weapon you just broke trying to get to it.

I think you just perfectly described it. It was always comforting to know it was still going even if you weren’t paying attention to it.

I guess that was the thinking. It probably would’ve been better accomplished by having him be hung up on not being able to free his mother and just the general slave thing. That bitterness and anger that he couldn’t get past and was determined to fix. It’s just always struck me as weird that he fell off the turnip

It’s very Bond villain, isn’t it? Always reminds me of the joke in Austin Powers where Dr. Evil has Austin powerless and Scott is telling him to just kill him instead of putting him through some silly, elaborate death scenario that’s gonna take 20 minutes.

He doesn’t bother me anymore, I’m really immune to it at this point, but honestly Jar Jar is just a horribly written character from start to finish. Conventional storytelling wisdom (simple though it is, because this is a Star Wars movie) would have you writing this character like a yutz and a coward for the entire

Sadly I don’t think Jake Lloyd will be joining the redemption tour, but it’s been great seeing Best and Hayden back. Everything that has sprung out of the prequels has been much better than the prequels themselves, really.

You and I would get along. One of the things that doesn’t work about it at all is when the game forces you into close combat like that. And I remember a couple boss fights in there too which don’t really work in a game like this either.

“Like, FF16 is shaping up to be absolutely amazing and I’m pretty hyped for it...”

Not strictly true. The worst part of every Far Cry game is the psychedelic bullshit where the villain injects you with something or you inhale some crap that makes you trip balls for the next 10 minutes in some irritating and narratively unnecessary extended gameplay sequence. Take the Shangri-La crap in 4 if you want

Oh yeah, they definitely didn’t want to do the work. That’s kind of what I meant by poor planning. It was also weird to me that they went with Batman vs. Superman and the death and resurrection of Superman in the span of two movies all to establish their larger universe. And then were gonna dip into Flashpoint as

What about Elon Musk? He knows he can send out a tweet and immediately influence the value of stocks/crypto.