
This was one of my complaints about the ActiBlizz boycott when the abuse stories exploded last year. No one seemed to be asking the internal advocacy group that was formed how they could be best helped. It was just a bunch of grandstanding in comments sections about boycotting because it’s the go-to solution when

I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was so blown away when I just did NOT care for that remake. It’s like they made it all pretty and modern but then ignored the most important part of modernizing a game which is giving me an idea what the fuck I need to actually do.

I think the only situation where you’re at a disadvantage with Moira is distance healing, and even some of that is mitigated by the healing orb. But I think overall she fits into every match whereas Brig and Zen are more situational and lack any real burst healing ability.

Man. Not sure what to think. I just bounced off a replay of BotW because of the clunky combat, annoying inventory management, and weapon durability. Absolutely loved the game the first playthrough.

I know we had two Battlefronts and I do like Fallen Order, but I really want a current gen Star Wars FPS. There’s so much there in the lore, especially now.

They still haven’t really fixed the problem with Moira being a must-pick in pretty much every single match. Mercy is the only other one who comes close and the rest are very situational and often times thwarted entirely by any halfway-competent flanker.

I think it’s some immediate healing on the health pack and her ult charges faster. I still think she’s the most situational support in the game. If your team isn’t getting in close brawler-style she’s much less effective than the others.

I’m assuming that didn’t come from nowhere. The footage was allegedly coming from a former playtester and a little later on the article says:

The problem is Dragon Age fans might not want Dragon Age to adapt another game’s combat system. I know your question wasn’t serious, but surely you can’t be surprised that people aren’t all on board with this.

I’m not a designer or anything, but how would they improve the map? It seems like they’d have to flatten it, but I don’t know how that would work without creating the also-similarly-confusing “level B2, level B1, level 1, level 1a, level B1" stuff you see in other games. I think the 3D map was meant to mitigate some

If you like bollard videos then you’ve probably already seen this, but there’s an extremely low underpass somewhere in the south (I think to accommodate train tracks) and hapless truck drivers turn their semis into convertibles routinely. I think they’ve posted the videos on Jalopnik before.

That’s kind of wasteful. You’re ignoring the fact that the vast majority of people don’t need a physical driving test. Why would you bring a 30 year old in for a physical driving test? And then again at 35? It’s totally unnecessary.

No, I understood that part. I’m just saying that if my friend is a prolific cheater and I don’t know about it then I’m risking my account by grouping with him even though I know nothing about his cheating. It doesn’t seem fair unless they’re going to warn me first.

Even though the only two openly queer characters are both DPS heroes

Ah, OK. I see what you mean. I actually heard a little bit about stuff like this several years back when LEGO was doing a Comic-Con exclusive for a set based on Action Comics #1. It’s the only way I could do it. I’m not creative at all.

I don’t get how they’re going to confirm that I’m knowingly associating with a cheater. Unless I’m frequently grouping up with username CheatyMcCheatster, I would think it’s not going to be immediately obvious.

I mean, not having a talent for it would probably keep you from building it yourself. I’m not an architect, I could probably build a square room with a flat ceiling if I really had to but no way am I building a Deku Tree.

The Mario sets are supposed to be played with, so I think that’s the biggest difference. They’re obviously very kid-centric and priced as such. The LEGO sets for Mighty Bowser and the Question Block are both awesome and what you’d generally expect from an “adult” LEGO build.

Not sure why there’s so much hate for Kirby in the comments. Kirby and the Forgotten Land was actually pretty fun.