I love stories like this. How exciting and memorable all of that is for a kid.
I love stories like this. How exciting and memorable all of that is for a kid.
One of the things I’m really bad about is ignoring the older systems/games once a new console comes out. I remember liking it but I don’t think I ended up putting much time into it. I also remember I was at a job I absolutely hated in 2012 so that has a tendency to affect everything in your life too.
Please don’t even get into amusement park ride design.
The funny part is that Republicans are the first people to fat shame but also the first people to flip the fuck out any time someone (usually a liberal) suggests making school menu alterations to be more healthy. If they tried to regulate food at a national level to mandate healthier options they’d be screaming at the…
That’s all well and good, but it’s still questionable to create the only ride in that section to exclude a massive portion of the population.
At the time, I thought retailers like Best Buy should give preference to people who have accounts there or credit cards with them vs. just letting anyone off the street buy one online. That wouldn’t discourage scalping, per se, but at least it would be customer forward.
Yeah. I mean, I don’t think it can go on forever. I would guess that this year will really set the tone for how much longer they can realistically keep it going.
I used to go to Magic Mountain here in SoCal quite a bit, and I remember comparing it to Disneyland last time I was there. It wasn’t terrible, but it had little of Disneyland’s polish. It’s not that it wouldn’t work there either, they’ve got the whole DC theming with Batman, Superman, and Riddler. You can do a ton…
I thought the last Tomb Raider really sucked so I’m on board with this.
$$$ for the venue
$$$ for the organizers
I think it worked a little less in Breath of the Wild though. Zelda has some actual personality in it and apparently Link and Mipha were boinking back in the day and he’s just stone-faced through absolutely all of it.
Yeah, I mean if a lot of these streamers and influencers had to rely on actual talent or presence (or, sure, luck) like they did back when movies, pop/rock music, and TV were in their formative years they’d be completely fucked. In some ways it’s nice that there are more avenues for people to ply their specific “talent…
I can’t say for sure obviously, but I wonder if part of the problem is their limited retailer pre-order rollout. You can’t pre-order it from Best Buy and just from a cursory search it looks like you can only get it direct from Sony. It’s actually the same story with the DualSense Edge from what I can tell.
I don’t know, for me it was just a bit much. I don’t think it was done poorly, maybe I just wasn’t in the mood for it.
Honestly when I played through the game I didn’t even think to have Alcryst or Diamant take Morion out. I’m sure I just did it with whomever was closest at the time.
I feel like Nintendo on the whole is a little better about this than a lot of publishers, but I could be misremembering things myself. The latest example was Fire Emblem Engage which I believe was announced only a few months before the actual drop. That’s tolerable for me. It feels like it’s almost here as opposed to…
Why didn’t the ban extend to the video games as well? Assuming no plush toys or anything like that from the Pokémon Center were made either? I’m sure I heard about this at some point years ago but totally forgot about it.
You weren’t missing much.
“Men’s rights” is a ridiculous concept on its face. I get women’s rights, gay rights, black rights, immigrant rights, and trans rights because they’re at risk of being infringed basically any time a conservative opens his or her mouth, but what rights of males are under attack? That they can’t just grab someone’s tits…
The Nebulon-B would be a really interesting build too. What did win the UCS vote?