I was too, but if they’d done that there would be less to sell you in the aftermarket.
I was too, but if they’d done that there would be less to sell you in the aftermarket.
I mean, the only thing I would say here is that I feel like it was intended to be more of a traditional console that can also function as a handheld. So from that perspective, it kind of was a generation behind. Same with the Wii. Until we hear differently, it’s obvious Nintendo doesn’t want to get into a specs war…
Sounds idiotic. Can you imagine having to track that shit?
Fair point, but Sony has always had that design where the d-pad is “buried” under the controller faceplate so maybe they felt that to diverge from that was altering the basic feel of the controller too much. Or they were lazy/didn’t want to bother.
It’s fast casual, so it varies a little bit from your run of the mill McDonald’s or Burger King.
I wish they would’ve used some of the money this cost to open up some classic sitdown-style Pizza Hut restaurants. I swear the pizza was actually good back then, but maybe it’s just me.
I live across the street from the one in North Hollywood and it’s my favorite place for chicken. I have one major complaint and one minor — the major complaint is that they’re one of those places where the checker turns that screen around so you can stare them in the face when you’re deciding on the tip, and the minor…
I’m sure there are better ways to map the existing controls for characters like Mercy, Echo, and Pharah that I’ve never actually taken the time to try, but to me the biggest benefit is going to be putting the jump/float button on the back paddles. That and the ping button.
I play it almost daily and have been playing since launch, with some small gaps here and there. I can have issues with the game (i.e. I think Reaper ruins almost any match he’s played in) and the “perks” (weak events because the season passes chew too much of the scenery) but ultimately I love the way the game plays,…
Unfortunately the seasonal events becoming shitty is a byproduct of the monetization pivot and the 60 day season passes. I’ve never been a big fan of the games mode in the events themselves, for the most part, but I always looked forward to the new skins. Now the new ones are either locked behind a per-transaction payw…
What kills me is that they could easily create a really great GTS in these games and they choose not to. I’m even fine with them tying it in with Pokemon Home or making a mobile app for it if they insist on monetizing, but once that’s done can you at least load it with features and search options so we can just go to…
I found TLoU to be a completely joyless venture, and this is coming from someone who generally avoids post-apocalytic zombie stuff. I loved Days Gone though, which you’d think was the worst game ever made as a Kotaku reader since they shit on it with reckless abandon.
Because religion. Probably.
I saw this last night on Gentle Barn’s IG and was wondering who the “famous YouTuber” was. Color me unsurprised.
It’s hilarious that they want you to get 300 kills per character in that mode to get certain event achievements. Yeah, after playing that shitty mode I have no interest in playing it even a second time. Overwatch isn’t a deathmatch type game and I wish they’d stop force-feeding it to you in the events. Junkenstein I…
I’m happy to hear this. I’ve got it coming from GameFly.
I don’t think it shows anything other than that we all have vastly different tastes in gaming. I played 2 of the 4 AAA titles on the list and bounced off both. Had no interest in the other two. Didn’t play 5 of the other ones (I’m not sure I’d even heard of them) and literally downloaded Snap like 5 days ago.
I don’t think it’s my responsibility to reach out to someone I’m not talking to anymore (whether we ended amicably or acrimoniously) and ask them if it’s OK for me to look at that naked pic they sent me three months ago. Particularly if it’s just passively in my texts or Grindr messages.
The story is the bigger issue though, like what the hell. Why am I mowing down sentient, intelligent creatures that want equal rights?
My guess is the only reason a project like this exists is because they’re using the original assets. They might not even have the ability to build something new without hiring people, spending tons of money, etc, etc.