
Exactly. Most people on this site forget that when they’re grandstanding about their pet boycott projects.

I’m sick of console wars. I don’t think they serve anyone but big corporations that don’t deserve our allegiances.

Why was he talking about Bill Clinton, a man who stopped being important long before he was born?

OK sure but you can also just admit that it’s a bit excessive at this point.

Probably very, on both points.

I would swear Robbie Reyes and I were flirting hard at each other, so it’s disappointing that nothing is gonna happen. I guess it was a strong clue when they asked for my gender but not my sexual orientation.

I mean, unless I’m missing something you literally can’t advance the story without sleeping. So this is less a tip and more of a tutorial point.

The map is horrendous and definitely steered me away from completing a lot of the side stuff.  Why there isn’t more fast travel flexibility in there is beyond me.

Look, Chris Pratt is Mario’s voice actor. The ship’s sailed. You want them to fire him and re-record the whole thing with Charles Martinet? Time to get over it.

I think you’re right. Chris Pratt is going to be just fine. I like the guy a lot less than I did before I knew about the church he belongs to, but I still can’t get as excited about sharpening my pitchfork as other people can.

Then spare us the commentary and go do that.

I’m not into chicks, but I know there are a lot of Internet famous gay guys who not only have OF accounts but who also post their Amazon wishlists so people can buy shit for them. If you’re subscribing to an OF you’re at least getting something out of it, but it blows my mind that someone would go onto some homo’s

Oof, I forgot about that. That truly was insufferable.

I wasted a few minutes of my life reading it, so I definitely paid some price for it.

It’s really not worth mentioning again. We get it. The Switch is a weaker system than all of the other current systems and runs the new Pokemon like shit, though still significantly better than you would be led to believe if Twitter and Kotaku were your only sources for news.

According to Wikipedia, the Pokemon brand is the single most valuable entertainment/gaming IP on the planet. It’s surely not totally accurate, but I have few doubts that Pokemon is absolutely up there.

I’ve put maybe 8-10 hours in so far and haven’t noticed any glitches in my play. Like, not one. The worst thing that happened is I fell off a cliff and got stuck and it reset me to the top of the cliff. So I guess I had one glitch. There’s the judder with near-distant NPCs and some slowdown and pop-in, but none of

I do too. If I want to play damage, I’ll play damage. Moira just excels at supplementing her healing with damage and is the best choice vs. Genji, Lucio, and other slippery characters.

Man this shit is giving me Breath of the Wild and Dreamlight Valley levels of dread around this unnecessarily complicated cooking mechanic. In a game that absolutely did not need it no less.

I watched a video on this. They can all terastallize, but most of the “regular” Pokemon you encounter in the wild have the same typing when they terastallize. I believe you can find some that terastallize to different types out in the wild, but they’re more rare. And I think the ones in the raids will have different