In the past I’m pretty sure this information has come out officially. I remember seeing articles on games past where they’d include this to let people know which version they should buy if there’s a particular Pokemon they’re married to.
In the past I’m pretty sure this information has come out officially. I remember seeing articles on games past where they’d include this to let people know which version they should buy if there’s a particular Pokemon they’re married to.
Boy, you’re really not going to like that article they posted today. But on the bright side, it’ll answer your question!
This site is such a trip sometimes. On the one hand you have people who scream bloody murder at “crunch” and what’s required of the front line developers, artists, and designers to turn around a game in line with a release window. Then on the other hand we’re cursing them for not providing fucking perfection within a…
I’m sure I’ve noticed performance issues because I’ve played a lot on the Switch, but truthfully I can’t say any game I remember in particular for having terrible performance issues. Never to an extent where it’s affected my overall enjoyment of the game.
I watched a video where the devs were showing the gameplay and I’ll admit I was immediately turned off by that too. I’d rather it be more “traditional” like XCOM but I’m going to see how it works.
I’ll take the bait too and say who gives a shit what Martin Scorsese thinks of superhero movies anyway?
That’s my feeling too. It’s not like you can pick any Pokemon you want at the start anyway. Some are gated in higher level areas and some are only tradeable into the game from other versions, so if they end up getting everyone in there eventually via expansions or whatever else then I’m cool with it.
I’m not sure if the lack of screaming this generation is just because GameFreak learned their lesson last time and aren’t broadcasting that the National Dex isn’t in there, or because the fans have just quieted down in the past few years.
Everything you just said/ideated except replace “crafting” with “inventory management.”
The real problem with Horizon is just that it even has all of those damage/status types in the first place. It’s totally overwhelming and slows the general flow of the game down.
What games do we get if we’re on the PlayStation Plus Pleb subscription level?
Pangolins aren’t bipedal.
I’m totally with you. To platinum Assassin’s Creed: Origins you were required to kill two war elephants because they were part of the “do every activity on the map” trophy. I absolutely hated it, but tried to turn my brain off and tell myself it’s just fake violence in a video game.
I agree with all of that. The 2H weapons sucked outside of the spear, which at least gives you some additional range on your melee strikes. The clubs and hammers don’t give you nearly enough of a damage boost to make them truly worthwhile, and 1,000 times YES to what you said about the game wanting you to play with…
The only bigger shitshow than the Astros World Series parade is Ted Cruz at the Astros World Series parade.
I guess my biggest complaint is the combat. The combat itself isn’t at all fun. Counters and blocks are difficult to time with some enemies when you don’t have a visual cue a la Spider-Man’s spider sense. If you don’t have a spear then enemies like Lizalfos are an absolute nightmare. There’s no slowdown mechanic when…
It’s interesting to hear that it was inspired by Breath of the Wild, because I’m on my second playthrough (original was right when it came out) and there’s a ton of shit that is NOT working for me that I thought was brilliant when I first played it. Is it possible that they copied a game structure that worked best…
The $20 skins are my biggest issue. That’s just obscene. I’m just going to have to be happy with the ones you get organically every 10 levels, because I don’t see myself paying that unless I absolutely LOVE a particular skin.
I don’t think grinding to level 55 is that bad. Granted, I play a lot and I got the 20% boost from the battle pass, but I’m level 110 and there’s still ~30 days left in this season. There are daily and weekly challenges that give you pretty good chunks of battle pass XP. Although, now that I think about it, are those…
I just looked up that fight and I remember it being awful. In fact I don’t recall finishing it. It was the type of thing I would definitely have put down, but if it offered me the slayer armor I’d have done it. I should check and see if I have a trophy for beating it.