Can’t remember what game(s) did this, but I remember encountering something akin to, “You’ve died 5 times trying this, want help?” Would be nice with boss encounters too.
Can’t remember what game(s) did this, but I remember encountering something akin to, “You’ve died 5 times trying this, want help?” Would be nice with boss encounters too.
I’d have thought that a ridiculous claim to make had I not been on the receiving end of literal death threats for previously suggesting boss fights should be skippable.
Woof. Yeah. I used to play Doom 2 with my friend back in the 90's over dialup. That was always an adventure. Can’t remember which game it was, but I used to have to fiddle with the IP addresses somehow to get one online game to work, maybe early 2000's.
I still remember the days when my friend and I would ditch high school and drive down to Anaheim to visit the park. Mid-90's. Don’t remember at all how much it cost at the time, but it wasn’t prohibitive for two kids obviously. We’d park in the old parking lot where California Adventure sits. Played Street Fighter…
Yep. Dump passholders and maybe cap the amount of tickets sold each day. The crowds are the biggest problem.
The problem with Walt’s “vision” is that it’s forever stuck in 1966 when he died. Things have changed a lot since then. Someone from 2022 probably wouldn’t want to go to 1966 Disneyland, for instance. Maybe once for curiosity, but probably not much more than that. They’d be bored senseless.
I used to belong to a Facebook group for the Disneyland parks and had to leave it. I used to love seeing pics of the park from back in the pre-90's, but everything started a fight. People would complain about how the park was so much better back in their day, how the parks today were perverting “Walt’s vision” blah,…
I’ve been going once a year with family since maybe 2005. The experience has declined fairly steadily over that time. For me there’s one major, glaring problem — the park is too damn crowded. I think one of the biggest things causing this issue is the annual passes. We can’t even enjoy evenings at the park anymore…
Literally if you had told me five years ago that the biggest social media trend would be randos lip-syncing to other people’s original content (“content” used incredibly loosely) I would’ve said you were out of your mind.
I wonder how much of it is just general subscription fatigue. I’ve recently become more cognizant of the money I’m spending passively and these are obviously a huge part of it, so I went through and cleaned house about a month ago. It’s kinda nice to have access to practically everything that’s ever been created, but…
I used to run into those promos fairly often when Kotaku used to put up the deals on their feed. Back in ‘16 or ‘17 or whatever it was. Haven’t seen these deals since, but also haven’t really been looking.
I think Reaper needs a nerf, especially after they removed literally ALL of his hard counters like Sombra hack, Mei freeze, and Cassidy flashbang. He’s built around surprise and flanking and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched him mosey in from the front line and hit his ult for a multi-person kill.
As a gay man, I can confidently say that social media’s biggest contribution to society is convincing attractive people that everything they think, say, and do is interesting.
Well hopefully they don’t pull a PlayStation Plus and expand their tiers. I’m sure if they did though they’d generously grandfather you in to their second lowest tier for your many years of loyalty.
So you can buy the battle pass for $10 and still earn cosmetic rewards by playing. Of course this is still money out of pocket and that wasn’t OW1's model really, but you can still earn rewards by playing.
Go away and stop telling the writers what they can write about.
It’s really not. Do what I do and turn on a stream and then, you know, walk away while the minutes rack up. I’m gonna do it right now actually.
I’m sure you’ll find plenty of good. I find it’s easier to look past something’s flaws when you’re deeply invested in the source material it’s working with. I plan to try it at some point, but probably gonna wait for GameFly.
I love Kotaku, but the site has a spotty reputation and they probably don’t get all the review copies they’d like to anymore.
So I’m trying to figure something out... I’ve literally never heard of Rooster Teeth. Like, the name sounds kinda familiar but I think I’m just thinking of Roosterfish which is a gay bar in Venice. I even just Wiki’d them and not one thing sounds even remotely familiar. I’m not saying this to be edgy or to denigrate…