You’d have to find a timeline where it also wasn’t acquired by Hot Topic, because if memory serves that was the initial suitor before GameStop stole it away.
You’d have to find a timeline where it also wasn’t acquired by Hot Topic, because if memory serves that was the initial suitor before GameStop stole it away.
I’m with you there, although I ditched GameStop probably a decade or more ago for Amazon. Then several years ago moved from Amazon to Best Buy because I didn’t love Amazon’s business practices. I’m guessing Best Buy is no saint either, but I like to support the physical stores when I can. We’re going to be much worse…
Any updates on QoL enhancements? I enjoy the game, but I have to say that it’s a massive hassle having to track down villagers with mining/fishing/etc synergy every time you want to go do any of those tasks, especially since you tend to do them while you do circuits around your village and don’t usually focus yourself…
Tanks have to DPS now though. If you’re a Rein just putting up a shield you’re not as useful to your team as a Rein that’s doing that AND swinging at shit. I ran into a few ultra aggressive Reins in OW1, but you’re going to see a lot more of it now because DPS is diluted by the tanks being buffed.
^^ This.
I sometimes play around with the thought that they should have a tank role (Rein, Orisa, Sigma, Hog) and an off-tank role (Zarya, Doom, Ball, maybe JQueen) but that’s segmenting the players way too much.
Part of the problem with them designing around how people want to play Overwatch is that there’s no universal answer to that. Everyone will want to play it a different way. So they do what every other developer does, which is design a game around what they believe the players will find fun and you either enjoy it or…
I wish games would start adding an unlimited or at least drastically expanded inventory mode into their difficulty settings. There’s probably no more unrewarding/obnoxious gameplay limitation for me in modern games. I’m butting up against it constantly while I’m currently playing Breath of the Wild, Dreamlight Valley,…
I’m a veteran of Blizzard’s WoW launches through about Legion, and this is absolutely the worst launch I’ve seen. I don’t play too many other games that tax multiplayer servers like WoW and Overwatch do, so I’d be curious how this stacks up against CoD, Destiny, and some of the others that are likely to have massive…
Nothing makes me more confident this game will be no better than decent like the developers wasting time on making a Sandwich Simulator.
I’m just now doing another playthrough and remembering how incredible it was to see all of it the first time back in 2017. I still think it’s the coolest thing that you can see Vah Rudania crawling around Death Mountain even when you’re an incredible distance away.
That sounds pretty brutal honestly. I did the Watchpoint Pack because I wanted guaranteed beta access, and it looks like that includes the Battle Pass. I just didn’t know how all of the “seasons” worked.
Wrecking Ball is my biggest question mark. The single tank thing doesn’t fit his playstyle at all. Unless they make him an absolute cannon that the enemy team has to deal with immediately, it’s going to leave DPS and healers hanging. Wrecking Ball is kind of built to go into business for himself and he’s basically the…
Yeah. And you’re effectively losing some of those setups where you’ve got a Rein approaching with the team from the front and a hard-to-kill Hog sneaking around the back to divide your attention.
I still don’t exactly understand how any of this battle pass stuff works. Can I just pay money and not have to grind anything?
Oh yeah, they still do that. Getting those four for free was surprising to me because they weren’t all glazed, we’d actually ordered a couple of the different types as well.
It’s a regional variant, which has actually become kind of a cool idea that they’ve run with for the past few generations. It seems a little silly to grab this one design and make a definitive statement about the creative intent of a game that hasn’t even been released yet.
A price hike will absolutely never mean more content and less DLC/MTX. They’ll build it into their model in different ways, maybe, but it will always exist. And probably get even worse.