
The angry and bitter political drunk uncle. I used to love Jericho, now every time he opens his mouth I just wish he’d shut up. I understand some gamesmanship is part of it, but he recently said NXT sucked after HHH played down AEW winning the Wednesday Night War. And if I had a nickel for every time he said “We care

It reminds me a little bit of something Scott Hall said in the Monday Night Wars documentary series on the WWE Network. They were talking about the differences between Vince and Eric Bischoff and Hall said something along the lines of, “I never got that ‘boss’ vibe from Eric.” At the time, a lot of the top guys like

Fortnite and other F2P games happened. Overwatch was huge for like 1-2 years, maybe? Lots of people who would’ve played it just went with the ones that had no price tag.

It reminds me a little bit of Street Fighter 5, assuming it’s going to work that same way. They’d release content in “seasons” which were effectively the 5 or so new characters they’d release each year. You could use your in-game funds to buy the characters individually but they were very expensive relative to what

The way I’m reading this, it sounds more like that thing you could do in WoW or FF14 where you send one of your “crew” out to run missions for you. That was completely separate from what you were actually doing and it was just a way to gather resources/XP passively. It doesn’t sound like this is just you running

I mean, it was almost 10 years ago. Are consumers still carrying a torch for the always-online/set-top box thing? I would think GamePass would go a long way toward turning consumer opinion.

Out of curiosity, what’s the benchmark for when it’s been properly addressed? Like how will you know when the day has arrived that all of the issues have been resolved to your satisfaction?

You do. You get a free loot box every time you level up, a free loot box whenever a new event drops, and maybe 1-3 at whatever interval they reward you for your endorsement rating. There are actually a lot of other situations too where you get free loot boxes. I bought maybe 5 loot boxes right at first from some

I always felt like OW’s loot boxes were the least obnoxious, but I know a lot of people still disagreed on principle. I get that there are some people who have paid hundreds (thousands?) over the years on OW loot boxes, but the way these free-to-play games do things is far worse IMO.

Glad you had fun. I’m definitely going back next year. Those metal detectors though... oof. On Friday in 2019 the line was insane. I was walking up toward the front to see wtf was going on and ended up getting swept up in the line itself and effectively cut in front of several hundred people. I didn’t feel too guilty

No thanks.

It’s different with mobile games though, and really free-to-play games in general. My friend was just telling me about his kid wanting to buy some $100 character in some game he was playing. I played Marvel Strike Force for a little while just to pass the time, and I would routinely see them selling maybe like 50

Were you there again this year? Curious how it stacked up against previous years and what was different. Did they do the metal detectors again?

OK, but how would you feel about it if they decided to shelve console/PC games or scale them back significantly so they can focus more attention on low-hanging mobile shit? Assuming that it’s cheaper to develop and easier to deploy and, here’s the kicker, you know you can tack on 40 million microtransactions in a

I use Facebook for literally two groups, one of them being a Sierra nostalgia group. Ken sometimes posts in there and will respond to questions. There are some real mega-fans in that group.

Out of curiosity, what are you playing on a PS2 Slim on a daily basis?

That whole paragraph is such fucking hilarious corporate-speak. What do you want to bet that “cost, agility, and efficiency” line means churn out more cheap shit with less staff and more (unpaid) overtime?

This is cute, but for my money Dudley’s still the king of the “end of round” shenanigans with the rose-throwing and “gutter trash” line.

My favorite reaction to Vince stepping down was a comment on an IG post that said, “I’M FIRED!!!!”

Basically anything in VR gives me motion sickness, with the exception of less movement-heavy games like Astrobot and Beat Saber. And with me motion sickness literally puts me out of commission. It’s not like I can take the headset off and be good. I’m done for the night, can’t do anything else but lay there until it