
I didn’t care for the gameplay much myself, and I also don’t get how you can have a character like The Hulk fighting the same enemies as Black Widow in largely the same way. Or make a basic campaign that suits every character when every character has wildly different powers and abilities. You can script that shit in a

This feels like the kind of game where you have all these massive plans for like 30 characters by the end of its life cycle and it shits the bed so hard that you just kinda quietly shutter anything but basic production/maintenance and keep quiet when the “What happened to all that Marvel’s Avengers content we were

Best Buy for me, just because I’d be heartbroken if it ever went away and Amazon has enough money. But yeah, same difference. Though I will say I haven’t pre-ordered a game in a while. It feels like that used to be something you had to do but not so much anymore, especially with digital.

There’s a reason for it to exist because of used games. I remember years ago a mother and son in the store selling a bunch of games so he could get different ones. I have friends who used to do that back in the 80s and 90s so they could turn around the stuff they weren’t playing anymore. We forget sometimes as adults,

Was that 1999-2003 stretch for me, but maybe because I’m older than you. The employees were super cool, it was the Dreamcast/PS2/GC era so ‘nuff said on that. Will always remember walking in one day in 1999 and seeing Marvel vs. Capcom running on a demo Dreamcast and absolutely freaking out because I had no idea it

Doing the lord’s work, thank you.

Are you joking? The headline gives it away. Like, it couldn’t be more clear about it.

Kotaku: “Hope you like new games!!!!”

I think I’m in the minority on this, but I didn’t care for Shadow of the Tomb Raider and I absolutely loved the first two. It’s been several years since I’ve played it, but it felt like they really stuck the combat and gunplay in the backseat to ramp up the climbing and traversal. I enjoy the puzzles, but by the third

I mean, if you’d told me 8 years ago that one of the biggest social media phenomena would be an app where people lip sync to other people’s voice tracks I would’ve said you were nuts, but here we are. Might as well throw gaming in there because why not?

Wow, yeah, fuck them for changing shit in a beta. Who do they think they are?

You’d be fine. You can’t view it as another CoD or Destiny PvP or stuff like that. Every role is unique, every character is unique. You don’t have to be an aiming god. That’s part of the beauty in its design.

I’ll be 45 this year and couldn’t agree with you more. I remember my friend convincing me to try it back in 2016, so I rented it from GameFly and that was that. Been playing for the past six years, with some breaks of course. No other game has had that presence, except maybe WoW but that’s obviously very different.

OK bud, time to give this narrative a rest. It’s been out for almost five years and by most accounts they’ve fixed the initial issues and turned the game around. Let’s let them have a win on this one.

There isn’t a solution because that would require that everyone get vaccinated and the anti-vaxxers won’t cooperate. You can’t just shut things down like some people suggest and wait patiently for some vaccination goalpost that you will literally never reach either. It’s like your parents grounding you and telling you

I don’t know, I kind of agree with their assessment here. At least based on my own personal bias. The last COD I played was whatever the last WW2 one was before this and I was bored out of my mind. The only interest I have in this series at all is when they do a modern take or, even better, a futuristic one.

Or Sony. I guess it all depends on who’s leading in the “buy every single game developer” sweepstakes at this point.

When I read the headline, my first thought was, “Can they please sell Final Fantasy too?” I don’t need another 13 or 15. I’ll be happy to be wrong, but I just have this feeling that 16 is gonna suck too.

The game’s in a weird spot right now. The last new map was released 3 years ago and the last new character 2 years ago. I get that they want to reserve stuff for OW2 but it’s a really weird plan to let your game go 2 years with only new skins to keep it going.
