
I was hoping Brig would get a rework. She’s like the Doomfist of support characters -- you’re way too dependent on team composition and, more importantly, opponent team composition. Her primary heal is average at best and on a prohibitive cooldown. If you’re not mixing it up with the enemy on the front lines you’re

I have some major reservations about the tank change. The whole idea is for tanks to soak up damage so the team can advance or hold a point. That’s not gonna work so well when you’ve got one tank and it’s Hammond or Doomfist who would rather float around the map doing spot damage instead of defending the team. At

It’s still toxic. I see lots of “dps diff” and “tanks suck” comments, so it’s really just people assuming based on the flow of the game and/or seeing how their own medals are stacking up. This will just allow toxic people to back it up with actual statistics.

I like tutorial sections, especially in a AAA game. If you’re going to throw all these systems and mechanics at me, give me some time to get acclimated to it. You can’t drop someone into Horizon or Assassin’s Creed or Hitman without providing some context.

In my family we’ve always used cherry pie filling and crushed pineapple for the fruit portion. It’s ridiculously good.

I mean, Sonic is still crazy popular. Popular enough to spawn two apparently well-received films and a continuous stream of video games that also apparently sell really well. He also remains incredibly recognizable literally everywhere. So from that perspective I think they’re succeeding with the character. The rest

There must be some issue with their QA department because all of the LEGO games I’ve played have been extremely buggy. Most of the time it’s tolerable, but I think it was Marvel Super Heroes 2 or whatever it was called where I lost about a half hour of my time on one specific level where it chose to bug out right at

You do realize how completely ridiculous it is to suggest that because some people in the company are bad then they must all be bad, right? Interesting also that you mention race-related issues when that’s exactly the logic racists use when they take a few bad examples and automatically apply those characteristics to

When I played it maybe 4 years ago I got addicted really quickly. But there were still a lot of annoying little bugs and that map is the absolute worst. I could also never really shake the feeling that the whole thing just felt very empty. It’s a very, very, very different style of game but I had a lot of fun with it

I guess it depends on whether or not things they’re adding now were promised before launch. If that’s the case, I guess you could still argue that it is/was unfinished. If they’re just adding new features to enhance the game then it’s additional content.

True story, I had more fun with Bugsnax than Bloodborne.

I mean there are probably people waiting out the Switch to see if Breath of the Wild is going to hit GamePass in 20 years. But I’d also be curious to know what the percentages are in both camps. I usually have every current console so I’m fully in the “cool with exclusivity” camp.

I lose interest too. I mean it could be as simple as Aloy fighting Dr. Strange in Fortnite, or some bizarre virtual bullshit meant to replace real life.

FFIX is one of the few Final Fantasys, that I really enjoyed (and I played the evenn slower PAL version) and I would HATE to see them fuck up the remaster with some low-effort bullshit and terrible fps :(

I was super excited for the first one, but didn’t really care for it since I was much more into turn-based RPGs at the time. Came into this last one absolutely dying to love it and bounced right off. The battle system was fucking horrible. And damned if any story recap didn’t fly straight over my head.

I’ve seen it used a lot lately (particularly on Instagram) to describe someone you suspect is gay but who isn’t out. It doesn’t seem particularly vitriolic, but it doesn’t make me feel great when I see it either.

As long as she’s not wearing a pantsuit it won’t be an issue with Ted Cruz.

My three favorite game intros are this, Suikoden 3, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Suikoden 3 is a very different jam than the other two, but holy shit does it give me goosebumps every time I watch it.

I think one of the biggest botches is killing Ben at the end. If you don’t do that, you actually set up some interesting storytelling for what comes after.

I feel you, but in a game like Horizon it gets to be a bit much. I mean there are 4,000 trees clustered in the same area sometimes. And that’s just the trees, forget about all the other stuff littered about (machine parts, herbs, etc). Someone remarked that after the first major battle they had to spend ten minutes