
Boycotting has become a way for people to feel like they’re making some contribution to lessen other people’s struggles without taking much time to try to understand how it’s actually going to affect things and people. I view it like that Blackout Tuesday thing they did on IG. It’s a largely meaningless gesture but it

One of my closest friends works for Sony as a developer and while I don’t know the math behind it, he’s paid some very nice bonuses based on a title’s performance. So you’re not entirely correct here.

I live in the People’s Republic of California and I can tell you that if there was any reasonable way to keep people wearing masks for the rest of our lives they’d find it. If the hospital rates were still really high there’s absolutely no way they would’ve relaxed shit here. Texas hospital rates don’t surprise me in

Oof. That’s even worse. Why is every company determined to put their offices in the absolute worst geographical locations? Everything is in Santa Monica, Culver City, and El Segundo. You might as well open up an office on Mars.

Yeah I remember they persisted after for a bit. I used to still see them at Comic-Con for a while after. IIRC they were going to be acquired by Hot Topic but then GameStop swooped in to ruin it instead.

I think that’s actually the right way to do April Fool’s. Make it funny but also something no one really falls for, i.e. the one I saw earlier about Rian Johnson being contracted to remake the Star Wars sequels.

Nope. I’ve been a broken record about that on here for a while now. Borderlands is one of the absolute worst with all the useless shit that gets dropped and makes it complex by dropping stuff that looks like it might be decent but actually sucks.

I am once again asking video game companies to not fake announce things that I actually want.

I’ve been working remotely for 2 years straight now (same company) and am just starting to look around a little bit at other jobs. Had an excellent interview yesterday, but that Tuesday-Thursday in office requirement in El Segundo when I live in North Hollywood will probably be a deal-breaker. I just can’t go back to

I only played the game briefly when it launched, but you would think these companies could find a way to communicate with their base more effectively. Capcom was absolutely terrible at it over most of Street Fighter 5's life. I can’t imagine it’s that difficult to appoint someone to head your community management and

Fuck you Nintendo. I’d say good riddance to a company like you but sadly, you’ll survive your next failure and just continuing to perpetuate the worse things about corporations and greed while infringing on the rights and fair use of paying customers.

My mom was 80 when she got it in December of 2020 and outside of some smell and taste loss and a bad cough, it barely fazed her. Incredibly thankful for that, obviously, because this was just a little bit before vaccines and I remember that feeling when her test came back positive. Just shows how it can hit people so

I wish I could say the same, but I’ve bounced off so many games for varying reasons. It’s rarely that the game just sucks and I stop playing, it’s mostly I get distracted by the shiny new game or what have you. Happens I guess, but trying to be better about it and finish what I have before trying other things.

Someone else had what I thought was a cool suggestion in here somewhere, and that was do a mix of story and side stuff until you feel like you’re getting a little overwhelmed and then just focus on the story for a while to stay on track and at least get some progress in. I’ve had it happen with so many games where I

You’re exactly right. I have so much trouble deciding which loot to keep and which to toss that it’s practically stressful opening one of those big treasure chests.

I feel like I’d have gone with “players who have been grinding” and just called it a day.

Your #3 is one of the reasons the series was running very thin with me even before Borderlands 3. Can I just get one decent gun instead of 10 drops of shit with explosive ammo that’s barely usable, especially playing solo?

Apologies if it’s already been mentioned, but I’d throw Wargroove in here. Incredibly different visual style and not exactly the same core gameplay, but definitely worth a look if you’re into strategy (and especially if you love Advance Wars which we won’t be seeing for a while).

I don’t know that I agree with this. It absolutely was not cool to be a nerd when I was in high school (mid 90s, yikes), but then as the nerds around my age got older and started making everything we know and love in the entertainment industry it started to shift. Some people probably still view it negatively, but I

It definitely fits last time I went in there. They acquired ThinkGeek to help push their video game-adjacent merchandising agenda.