Jane *is* the... blue passport

I used to love the pan-scourer type sponges. My skin can’t hnadle them now though

I am also concerned about your toes :/

Your skin is *supposed* to be covered in bacteria - like your gut is filled with bacteria. If you upset the good ones, then you get stuck with the nasties like Staph. There is a middle ground between Dark Ages Europe and scrubbing yourself with Dettol :) By all means the situation should be monitored, and if you get

I don’t know what language you’re all speaking but it’s fascinating. Any idea where I might find some info or videos / sound clips - Proper Singing For Dummies style? :)

Don’t they get stuck in your teeth though?


Where did the edit button go??

Maybe you should delete the whole bitchfest rather than stick a little note on the bottom of the turd?

Wy-uld, and double-you.

You just reminded me of the Bosch print Doc Martens I really want but would never wear

I think you would enjoy Zolloc’s work

You have a fine hill :)

The whole euphemism vs clinical name is a bit misleading I reckon. I mean, do we also insist on “abdominal distress” instead of bellyache, or “orbital contusion” instead of black eye?

Thanks for sharing that. I’m a big believer in different foods suiting different people, up to a point. I’m curious, if you remember, which diet was most and least expensive? Or can’t you compare because you changed location too?

It’s all just products and brands we love and think you would love too.

It’s all just products and brands we love and think you would love too.

Counterpoint - needing to flee the house when it burns down; having a parent helpfully come in to wake you up; getting your bedsheets grosser quicker. I would add “a burglar breaking in” but I think a naked me wielding an improvised weapon and a dog would be enough to scare them off, if not cause a heart attack.