I think he’s a complete narcisistic (sp??) arse, albeit one who comes up with some perfect music/videos and seems to dote on his kids. A person can be both, you know?
I think he’s a complete narcisistic (sp??) arse, albeit one who comes up with some perfect music/videos and seems to dote on his kids. A person can be both, you know?
It’s the illuminati.
I can vouch for Singapore Airlines long distance, and I can tolerate Ryanair / Easyjet for quick hops around Europe.
I wondered that too.
Oh? Oh!
I might have to create one next time I move house
Did Thor also get drunk and accidentally end up in Norway?
*lightning. Damnit.
The gross side of my brain wonders if the meat would be contaminated if e.g. the intestines were ruptured by the lightening?
Also there are hugs and HUGS. My dog likes a general mauling/wrestling/snuggling but I *always* leave space for her to wriggle away if she wants to. I don’t like anything restrictive or squeezing. Though I practise restraining her often enough that it doesn’t upset her if she needs holding tight at the vets, or to…
Wait, you want to put a dog in a tiny cage for 2 years but not say “no!” to interrupt an undesired behaviour before redirecting it?
Ehhh not necessarily. I need to be able to tell my dog “no” and “NO!” in a dangerous situation. A bit like a child, the sharp voice is held back until absolutely necessary, but sometimes it IS necessary.
Depending on his age, he may get a lot of understanding / enjoyment from looking up Temple Grandin’s work around animals? Her website is very bare-bones but her insight is incredible.
Sadly, yes. Also many dogs are quite subtle. Or maybe like mine, are a bt neurotic (*this* kind of hug is great but *this* kind of hug is WRONG)
You don’t HAVE to move, no. Like you don’t HAVE to jump out of the way of a maniac cyclist, and you don’t HAVE to avoid that dark alley with a loitering gang, and you don’t HAVE to stay away from that riptide, and you don’t HAVE to walk your dog right around that herd of cattle.
“smeghead” exists but is way too mild