Jane *is* the... blue passport

I was just wondering if it would be appropriate for me to butt in and post this

I heard of someone hiking past a house and calling police over all the bones they caught sight of. A taxidermist’s house, it turned out...

Yeah. I give money (or time, or coffee) without expectation of getting it back. If I do, bonus! If not, I get my ass saved in another way (pet sitting or car help or...)

Some of those noises are not humanly possible. Don’t care, still love her.

I used to dye them until I got allergic. Dead simple!

Do you think it is literally the word “park” that influences this attitude? I think of a park as a public garden, with play facilities and a café. Our large outdoor spaces tend to be reserves or AONB (“area of outstanding natural beauty”) which doesn’t bring up the same mental image.

Honestly, it sucks. I had to give up my dream job due to illness, and that really stings still. It’s ok to mourn that, if it gets that far! Don’t overthink yoir 6 month break though - this is a chance for you to focus on whatever treatments or lifestyle changes you might need.

I don’t get the landlord - normally they are so strict even if it’s a fear of losing money on unpaid rent, smashed doors, etc etc etc. Does your council or local authority have any kind of antisocial behaviour unit?


(confession - haven’t actually watched vid because wifi troubles. But you normally plant kale in spring and eat it over the following winter so not sure what you’d do with it in August :) )

Odd time of year to be planting kale :/

The women in my family are long lived, and I fully intend to embrace the terrifying crone stage of life.

I can’t decide if this piece is genuine or a piss-take :/

I’m a nice person (I hope? Mostly?) who enjoys blood and guts. It’s cathartic. It’s satisfying, on some level. The amount of shit I (and many people) put up with each day, and I will not take frustration out on family and friends. So I watch Dexter chop up a bad guy, or teenage idiots getting chased by some guy with a

Oops, I mustn’t have scrolled down far enough to see other comments.

Sounds like a classic Stanford Prison Experiment

Gotta have something for the gel to do before marrying her off.