People need to calm the fuck down.
People need to calm the fuck down.
*glances over to sidebar to look for the old faithful herpes post*
omg you have the neat, tidy, civilised version of my dog!
dude’s just yawning
Do I have strange feet, because I can never keep mules or flip flops on. Ever.
Like I said, it works. At a price.
A lamprey is a fish with a round mouth, the closest “natural” jaw to a prong collar.
Any lawyers in the Jezebel commenters?
Or you’ve just taught your dog to hide their fear very, very well. Same as smacking a dog for growling - it’ll stop growling, but you haven’t removed the cause of the dog’s distress. It’s just more likely to snap without any warning.
I get how the challenge of the dog was a challenge for their relationship. Maybe it’s just the writing style, or the fact it’s posted on here?
Yes, what a fear-aggressive animal needs most is for its trusted humans to inflict pain and strangulation. That’ll fix it right up!
I think you just articulated my feelings on this post entirely.
Usually yes, but also means collectives (ecosystems??) of bacteria / yeasts / beasties. See also: gut flora, skin flora, etc.