Agreed on the voice, and glad to hear that he may be schlubbing it up a bit on The Office.
Agreed on the voice, and glad to hear that he may be schlubbing it up a bit on The Office.
Aw, I kid, I kid. I wouldn't kick him out of bed, but I'm still gonna pour one out for the hotness that once was.
Life is so cruel!
Why, time, why? ;___;
That was sweet, though I must say I've never been able to look at tub births the same way since all the talk of labor pooping came out...
"adorable infant Halloween costumes..." Comme ca.
You should go! It's magical, and you can buy raspberry cordial in 6-packs! You can see the Lake of Shining Waters! You can walk down Lovers' Lane!
And don't even get us started on the sister...
I think that every time I see pictures of them. Whhhhyyyyyyyy do they do that? Even at the wedding!!! It's so terrible!
That was my first reaction, too; and while I do think that is the attitude many of the people who put these things together have, those words were apparently written by a minister who is criticizing them. So he's purposely being a bit pointed by saying they "chose" to have these things happen to them.
I don't know, I think they figured it wasn't necessary to put in the time and they could just take the money and run. In fact, ending it this quickly is only getting them more publicity, with so much less effort!
"As the hot sun warmed my sensuous, sultry skin, I provocatively leaned into the doorbell. Mmmm, trick or treat! ;-)"
I visited Green Gables in PEI, and it was awesome!
"So you're saying this man took your money without your permission? But isn't it true you've been known to give away money in the past? And, if I may say so, in rather large quantities? In fact, it might even be fair to say that you're something of a philanthropist, would it not?
I was puzzling some time ago over the fact that I've never seen a pork-flavored cat food before, despite the fact that my exceedingly picky cat goes nuts over the little bits of carnitas that I oblige her with occasionally. But after thinking about it, I figured it must be because there is simply no part of the pig…
I've heard about this girl somewhere before....
Now that I think of it, "Portia de Rossi" has such a sweet "Will you please call me 'Cordelia'?" kind of feel to it. Aw, teenaged Portia, you are adorable.
A little ahead of schedule, sure, but damn do I love snow.
Yes! O-jai there!
YES! That was my first thought too!