
The story may well be apocryphal— take it up with Peter Sagal.

If Lipton's good enough for 'Murricans, it's good enough for that guy! (I think this is partly why I'm remembering the President to be a Republican...)

There was an anecdote on Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (the NPR news quiz) about Prince Charles having tea at the White House and President Reagan (? Bush? W?) commenting on the fact that he left his tea bag sitting in his cup the whole time. Apparently, Charles didn't know what it was, so he didn't touch it. Wacky!

THAT'S where I knew him from! I knew the guy looked familiar in the promos (though not nearly as miniature-looking as he seemed on VM, no?).

Tweet from an anonymous bird: "I'm trapped with some crazy lady who keeps trying to feed me gumdrops. Send help!"

Aaa— Morgan seemed like a mega-creep when he was on Top Chef: Just Desserts. He was super into proclaiming how straight he was (not like those other pastry chefs), loudly and often. When they had a challenge where they had to design food dresses, he was all, "Oh gosh, I don't know, being a dude and all, what is this

The question mark icons seem to have replaced the random ellipses that were showing up a few weeks back. At least this way we can read the entire comment, so... progress?

It's really fun to tamp your own shots anyway!

Seriously. Those cups don't materialize out of thin air. The environmental impact of continually shipping out new batches of cups alone is enough reason to avoid them. And I do drink every bit of coffee I make anyway.

Oh, hey, here's me not understanding how Twitter works. He's replying to someone saying "sneaked" isn't a word? Because I HATE WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO SAY "SNUCK" IS A WORD.

Stephen Collins, YOU ARE SO WRONG.

What this season of Dancing with the Stars has taught me: David Arquette looks (and sounds) sort of like a goofy Ryan Gosling. Thanks, DWTS!

He clearly views women as being less human than men, so it's not surprising that he applies that thinking to his daughter. Jesus, what a rank asshole. That poor, poor girl.

Definitely check one out! I was really surprised at how much I loved (and love) reading on one. Also handy for George RR is the ability to search— say, for the name of a character you first met about 800 pages back and can't quite remember! Or if you just want to know how many times he mentioned "neeps." You know,

They do this at Big Cat Rescue, too!

I don't think it's about the material actually sliding. There was a clip on Jez some time back from The Doctors (?) where, in discussing a thong-like product, the phrase "fecal wicking" was forever burned into my memory.


Oh jeez, is that for real?? It's like the cat is Magneto or something! D:

Cat Deeley :( :( :( :( :( :(