
In the sense that I appreciate a lot more about myself, it did! It was really interesting to see how I narrated my own life and which questions created detailed answers. I think the staring at my eyes in the mirror for 4 minutes was the hardest part because I kept wanting to brush my teeth or play with my hair.

Based on the cop's ignoring the cat, and trying to continue with what he was doing, my first thought was "Clearly, this man has or has had several cats in his life."

You jest, but we had a cop at the house before Christmas. There's been a string of thefts, and the hooligans (ruffians?) stole some of our mail. When the cop came in, our youngest cat LOST HIS TITS. He started rubbing against the cop, jumping around like a kangaroo, and attacking the blinds. He kept stopping his

"It's not wild chicken."

Pretty much every baby before about 1975 was born to a woman who drank and smoked. You have to really drink a lot to affect the health of the child in any significant way. Not sure exactly what smoking does except low birth weight, but everyone used to smoke. It's not ideal, of course.

Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.

I also wanted to mention Something's Gotta Give and how that movie was such a big deal because it blasted the whole problem with this double standard. Jack Nicholson hooking up with Amanda Peet was part of the "norm" in their world but the idea of Keanu Reeves lusting after Diane Keaton was so absurd that even her

I believe it was Tina Fey who said: "Helen Mirren is not proof that there are parts for older women, Helen Mirren is proof that there are parts for Helen Mirren."

If you are trying to pretend that you're still the young buck when you're my age, it just doesn't work.

It's not. Fuck those men who are perfectly happy to be supported by women's tax dollars and protected by female soldiers but are too good to sit next to them on the bus.

It seems like El Al's issue could be easily solved with a clear-cut policy. "Oh, you're unwilling to fly in the seat you paid a ticket for, sir? Are you sure? Okay, very well, your ticket is cancelled. There will be no refund."


Used to do this all the time. I think, anyway. I mean, I don't actually remember doing it so much but then I learned about it and realized "yes. This is something guys do. I'm going to make sure I don't do it anymore." And given how hard I have to try to remember not to do it, I suspect I used to do it a lot. I think

I've been pushing back against this manspreading shit for over a decade and I am sooooo happy to see that it's a mainstream issue and people are making blogs about it and talking about it. One time a guy was fake sleeping so he didn't have to move his bag from the inside seat next to him. I asked him twice to move his

What's bizarre to me is how a lot of men don't seem to ever even think about how much space they take up. As a woman, that's on your mind everywhere you sit, every time. I don't know what it would be like to have never even thought of that before.

Yes, that is because you are not a woman. There are men will purposefully press their legs against you because....you know. Many hetero guys do not get uncomfortable if a woman puts her legs against theirs. They won't shift over - sometimes the opposite. So that just doesn't work as a technique.

If you were a woman, it'd be "normal" and "not gay" for them to take up your personal space and make physical contact with you. They'd lean towards you to avoid touching the dude on their other side.