

Oh god, I am also part of the Weak Enamel Club. Thanks, Mom and Dad! Meanwhile, my friend Andy only brushes his teeth once a day (in the morning!) and has never had a cavity in his 30 years. Fuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!


I often find myself rationalizing bad habits with a breezy, "At least it's not meth!"

@cookie monstress: I'm with you. Drinking and driving is virtually unforgivable in my book. You can so easily kill someone that way. It's just selfish and stupid and senseless.


@dirtybee: My orthodontist also brought up the possibility of needing/recommending this kind of surgery when I had braces for a really strong cross bite and a jaw that was growing more down than out. This was when I was about 12. I also have that "doughy face" syndrome you're talking about— double chins all the time,

I agree. That would've been been a more interesting discussion on the state of rom-coms and "women's movies," whereas this just feels like picking on an actress (because Gwyneth isn't in the news this week?).

That's the one I tuned in to see. The sandwich was the best thing about that movie. Walking out of the theater after seeing it with a friend, it turned out we'd both wanted to leave about halfway through but stayed because we thought the other person was enjoying it. But then we both were like, "Omigosh, that

That was really a grave oversight. And apparently the sandwich is the thing that Ally Sheedy still gets asked about most of all from that movie. Me, I'd go for dandruff snow, but whatever.

@withoutabaedeker: I don't know which I enjoyed more— the centaur-related spoiler or the comment string about having sex with Asher! Good share!

Cute! The original video with Alaska has been one of my faaaaaaavorite cat videos for years!

@najmah: Have you read The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara? Really superior historical fiction that was adapted into the less good movie Gettysburg. It made me cry. And it won a Pulitzer!

Bitty feets! Alex, tell us what it's like to hold a wee hedgehog in your hands. Is it like heaven? (I bet it's like heaven.)

I want my frame to say, "See you in hell, buddy!"

It's amazing how quickly, after all these years, my mind can conjure up the Blossom theme. Wait, is "amazing" the right word...?

I remembering reading picture books and feeling disappointed whenever the cat character wasn't a girl!

"A "higher standard of beauty" — read: "the leggy, skinny, busty Western ideal that has become increasingly universal" — is leading to a dangerous plastic surgery boom in China."